GOOD PROFIT: Hedged nifty positions with straddle...

how do you find this strategy....

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Sir, what I can make from your Statergy is that we take only One Trade in a settlement, at the start we take a trade and at the end of the series we square off, am I right ?
Sir, what is the Success Ratio of your Statergy and what Risk/Reward Ratio when we trade with your Statergy.
Lastly we would have taken 36 trades in last 3 years, Sir in how many months we would hve made profit & in how many months we would have lost money.
I would be obliged for your information and guidance.
Sir, can we only Sell Call & Puts and not trade future lots ?
Lastly what loss I would have suffered in case Nifty would have gone below 2955 or above 3845, specially in the last 3/4 days of the settlement.

Understand the logic behind the strategy. When I short a ATM straddle, I use the premium i receive as a hedge for trading NF. I have been using this strategy for more than 2 years now. So far, its worked perfectly for me. But it does not mean that it'll work for everyone. Your comfort factor will dictate the kind of system / strategy thats best suited for you.


Active Member

Understand the logic behind the strategy. When I short a ATM straddle, I use the premium i receive as a hedge for trading NF. I have been using this strategy for more than 2 years now. So far, its worked perfectly for me. But it does not mean that it'll work for everyone. Your comfort factor will dictate the kind of system / strategy thats best suited for you.
Sir, Kindly explain in datail how you use the premium received as a hedge for trading NF.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
thursday i bought minifty 1 lot @ 5375, thinking nifty will go towords 5400. in case, nifty takes reverse gare on monday, how can i manage this sutuation by buying puts. to cover this position, which type of put i need to buy ( strike price ) and give me some explanation, means, the reason to choose that price.
thank U,


Well-Known Member
thursday i bought minifty 1 lot @ 5375, thinking nifty will go towords 5400. in case, nifty takes reverse gare on monday, how can i manage this sutuation by buying puts. to cover this position, which type of put i need to buy ( strike price ) and give me some explanation, means, the reason to choose that price.
thank U,
As a rule, never carry a unhedged position for the next day, unless we close right at the top or at the bottom of the day's range.

Another rule is never to carry a loser for the next day.

This 2 golden rules have saved my butt many times.

Since your position is purely directional... I think its better you wait for the first 5 min bar. Keep your stoploss at the low of that bar or 5356 (whichever is lower) btw, 5356 is the 34 ema on 5 min TF.

If i wanted to hedge my long at 5375 of 1 lot of mini nifty, i would buy 5200 put april as my hedge since then the delta would be neutral. it has roughly 40% delta of NF and mini NF lot size is 40% of normal NF lot.


Well-Known Member
As mkt is bullish i wish to go for BCSprd of 5200/5300 with net cost of 76 & max profit of 24 (RR 3.15:1) or shall i go for Bull Put Sprd of 5100/5300 with RR 4.7:1 with max pft of 35 & loss of 165. Plz guide me with your valued suggestion. If u have any other combination u can recd me. Is tomorrow is right time to go for spread. Thanks....SLMuncle.


Well-Known Member
As mkt is bullish i wish to go for BCSprd of 5200/5300 with net cost of 76 & max profit of 24 (RR 3.15:1) or shall i go for Bull Put Sprd of 5100/5300 with RR 4.7:1 with max pft of 35 & loss of 165. Plz guide me with your valued suggestion. If u have any other combination u can recd me. Is tomorrow is right time to go for spread. Thanks....SLMuncle.
Options OI is suggesting that 5400 will act as a supply zone in the coming days. Plus result season will also kick in and this adds to the uncertainty of any long positions. If we assume that 5400 is the top of this range then it doesnt make sense to open a bullish spread with put.

Instead simple shorting of 5500 call for 25-28 points remains the best option since we are not sure how market is going to react to the results. Exit in this case is to long NF if 5500 is broken.
Sir, what I can make from your Statergy is that we take only One Trade in a settlement, at the start we take a trade and at the end of the series we square off, am I right ?
Sir, what is the Success Ratio of your Statergy and what Risk/Reward Ratio when we trade with your Statergy.
Lastly we would have taken 36 trades in last 3 years, Sir in how many months we would hve made profit & in how many months we would have lost money.
I would be obliged for your information and guidance.

This is one rare strategy that does not need back testing. Once you understand the strategy, you will realise that it has to be profitable every month. The finer details of the strategy like hedging for the open position of NF (near the strike price) with OTM options cannot be put down on paper, It is something you will do automatically if you don't want to carry the overnight risk. Someone can only give this much of a strategy, profit protection/loss protection has to be worked out by individuals. Only whipsaws around the strike price can reduce the profits not push you into a loss. I would go so far to say that this is one of the best strategies to make regular money.


Active Member

This is one rare strategy that does not need back testing. Once you understand the strategy, you will realise that it has to be profitable every month. The finer details of the strategy like hedging for the open position of NF (near the strike price) with OTM options cannot be put down on paper, It is something you will do automatically if you don't want to carry the overnight risk. Someone can only give this much of a strategy, profit protection/loss protection has to be worked out by individuals. Only whipsaws around the strike price can reduce the profits not push you into a loss. I would go so far to say that this is one of the best strategies to make regular money.
Sir, can you kindly give some example as how you would have traded for April'2010 Expiry and explain how this Statergy can give Regular money. I would be obliged for your valuable guidance.
I just finished off reading the whole thread and this is what I have understood and I am outlining my action plan as below. Request Linkon Sir to kindly approve each point so that I can proceed ahead with the action plan. May be he can write 'approved' after putting each point in quotes and can provide his changes whereever necessary.

1) Have a mindset that the movement of Nifty just cannot be predicted by anymeans.

2) Get an account with RK Global with ODIN interface and an internet connection with inverter setting.

3) Wait till 17th-20th of a month and then when NF is close to some '00 value, short a straddle of that value with expiry of next month. So lets say this 17th-20th June, Nifty is at 4700, so I short a 4700 straddle.

4) I put a buy order with NF Current (NFC) + 10 pts and a short order for NFC - 10 pts. Whichever gets executed, I put a SL at NFC.

For eg. Nifty is at 4700, I put a buy order at 4710 and sell order at 4690. Suppose 4690 order gets executed, I put a SL at 4700 and buy order of 4710 also stays intact.

5) If SL gets hit, I put the order that was executed again. So if NF comes back to 4700 and hits SL, I put the 4690 sell order again.

6) If NF moves further in the direction in which the order had got executed, for every 10 point move in that direction, I bring the SL down 10 points and also the other non-executed order also by 10 points in the same direction.

So as in the above example, if NF falls from 4690 to 4680, SL is moved to 4690 and that buy order is moved to 4700 from 4710.

7) Steps 4), 5), 6) are repeated during the whole trading day.

8) At around 3:15-3:20 pm, either of the three things will happen. Either I will be long NF, or short NF or without any position in NF.

8a) long NF : Buy the nearest OTM put or sell the nearest OTM Call as a hedge for gap down next day. If buying option, buy that of far month, if selling, then buy of near month.

Short NF : Buy the nearest OTM call or sell the nearest OTM Put as a hedge for gap up next day. If buying option, buy that of far month, if selling, then buy of near month.

Without any position in NF : Take a position in NF and then go to 8a) or 8b).

"Request Linkon Sir to kindly provide some comment on this point as to what is the best manner to handle gaps. I personally feel selling options is the better way."

9) The next day, as the market opens and you get the price of Nifty, either it will be near yesterday's close or gapped up/down in your favour or against you.

Near Yesterday's close or Gapped in your favour: Quickly put the SL and the reverse order of your open position according to point 4 above. Once done, close the hedged option that you had bought yesterday during the closing hours.

So for example, yesterday you had a short position with LTP as 4784 with your SL as 4790 and buy order at 4800. So if NF opens around 4784 only, you quickly put the 4790 SL and buy order of 4800 again. If suppose NF gapped down to lets say 4756, quickly put the SL to 4766 with a buy order at 4776.

Once done, immediately close the option bought/sold during yesterday's closing hours.

"Request Linkon Sir to kindly tell that whether buy orders and SLs of previous days get carried over to next day automatically/can be entered before market opens or they have to be again entered only after market opens"

Gapped against you: First quickly put a order in the direction of the gap at - 10 points from the opening price of double the qty. Then close the Option position taken during yesterday's close.

If the order gets executed, put the SL and reverse order as detailed in point 4above. If however the gap starts filling up, for first 10 point move, reduce the qty of the reverse order to half and put the other half at the opening price. For another 10 point move, move both the orders in the direction of the gap.

For eg. I yesterday had a long NF and LTP was 4877 with an OTM Call sold of 4900. Now today, suppose market gaps down at 4853. I immediately put a Short order of double the NF qty at 4843 and then close the OTM call of 4900.
If suppose NF falls down thru 4843, I will be effectively short, so I will quickly put a SL at 4853 and a long order at 4863 in line with step 4 above.

On the other hand if NF rises from 4853 to 4863, I decrease the qty of 4843 short order to half, i.e the normal trading qty and put another short order of normal qty at 4853. If it further rises to 4873, I move both the orders further up by 10 points to 4863 and 4853 and this goes on.

If now suppose 4863 order gets hit. I would basically be out of NF. I would then put a long order at 4873 and my short order of 4853 will also be live. Thus it would again become a situation of point 4 as detailed above.

10) Take on another similar position at 20th of next month and exit from this position on/near expiry.

11) Get Linkon Sir's bank account to deposit some part of the profits made by this strategy.

"Linkon Sir, you dont have to approve this point no. 11.":thumb:

Thanks and Regards