GOOD PROFIT: Hedged nifty positions with straddle...

how do you find this strategy....

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Well-Known Member
fully agree with sumitdajoshi ......danpickup thinks that he is master and god in his market knowledge ........... everyone hav full right to ask questions and quieries ..... no one is 100 % right here please control your ego mr danpickup .


Well-Known Member
I am not ashamed in no way, but I accept your critic, because I have seen you now many times in this forum and I think you are a person to trust and respect.

The different between you an me is, that I read post like the one from sameer1221 in a different way, then you do.

For you it is only a question.

For me not ! I am maybe some times a little bit to skeptical and then I ask my self, why doe's some one ask a question like that, even he tells :

"Your strategy is too good and profitable too"

If I would have tested that with real money, and I come to the conclusion, that it is profitable and good, why the hell should I ask any more question about it ??

So, in moments like that, I am going to ask my self, what doe's he want with that post/question. If every thing is so clear (Your strategy is too good and profitable too"), why do I have to ask such question ?

Is it, because I never traded it or is it, because I traded it and I want to know the last details for free, because it is nice and easy to have some one, which give every thing, what took him time and time and a lot of stress, because there and there have been traps he felled in and he paid the price for it and now I just want to save this money, because he gives that maybe for free !!!

That is then the question I ask my self and then I post such posts.

If you say, you feel sorry about my thinking, it shows, that you never invested money in any trades and so you never lost any money. If you would so, you would not give away all your knowledge for free, because you paid your price and that would be your personal experience you would care of like you care of your own children.

So, I am SORRY for your not experience in trading and for your way of not understanding of such kind of experience.

Sorry for your way of thinking !!

Even then, I deleted the post in your name and so it is gone.

well danpick i will not comment in your post what you think about me
and well if i am not experiance so what every one has to start there journey from zero and i will not utter any word againt you well i think i dont have to explain it to you that what kind of peorson i am i think axn speak louder than the steatment i will meat you in manila and tell you what kind of peorson i am and i think to much confidence is bad. as you say you are saying your are good in trading well lets see if i can find you in manila than we see how is a good person and a good trader.:D


Well-Known Member
its not i am engry but i just want to meet you it is just one of my aim that i tour around the world while earnig good money from stock market just dont take it in wrong way one more thind do you also trade in forex and one more thing i you comfortable to answer howmuch reaturn you making % from your investmant and what trading system you are using i mean like woodie or what it .


Well-Known Member
trading systeam means there are lots of trading syteam some of like woodie cci and lots of other i dont know more about trading system .so i am asking you is ther any specific trading system you are your useing if you know more about trading system which is good plz post the name of the system so i can do some search on that. well i am not asking you your secreat i asknig you only the name of the system so plz feal free to post if you are comfortable it will be grat help from your side . well i am asking you this because i live in very small village and where i am living people are not aware of trading so thats why i can only learn by internet i cant take any seminars also because it only happen in big city and my parrent not allow me to go there and spent money what i already know because most of the people only teach option and most of the thing which we easily find out in internet if we know the source . i am telling you this only becuase you are not give knowleadge for free because i see most of the critics post of you. if it ok whith you than plz do tell as the good syteam or what you are using .