How to trade Commodities - Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, Natural Gas

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I've a lot of request for AFL sharing but I do not prefer to give out AFL as anyway it won't do any good to anybody. Without proper understanding, confidence & discipline, AFL can not do anything.

Right :thumb:

I'm alway open to discuss/share this system with few guys who are willing to contribute to system creatively. Maybe I need to start another thread where interested members can contribute to various aspect of system.

Please start a thread about your system. As you have seen, the members here are more interested in systems and strategies than "tips". I think that some of the requests for AFL may be for testing purpose. I am not using Amibroker so the AFL is of no interest to me, but will be looking forward to testing it in sharekhan TT.


Well-Known Member
Please start a thread about your system. As you have seen, the members here are more interested in systems and strategies than "tips". I think that some of the requests for AFL may be for testing purpose. I am not using Amibroker so the AFL is of no interest to me, but will be looking forward to testing it in sharekhan TT.
Thank you for your appreciation and encouragement. However for any meaningful discussion we atleast need 5-7 members who can actively research and work on system. As this is a simple trend following system, we can start discussing basic (but important) aspects of trend following system like...

1. How to define start & end of primary trend
-- I consider this at cross over of certain EMAs

2. How to define pull backs & retracements (for re-entries)
-- I currently use mean reversion logic for this
-- Also I'm working on logic to re-enter into trend where I've stopped out due to tight stop or momentary volatility

3. How & where to define stops (priamry & trail)
-- I define primary stops based upon volatility & my risk profile
-- However for me currently stops are optimized numbers, I should convert them into some formula (working on ATR or VWAP for this)

4. How to define initial positions / How to add position once trend is in your favor
-- I've yet to work on this part

5. Other misc. topics
-- Whether to excersie hedging (using options) for initial entries / overnight positions etc.
-- Whether to start with synthetic positions to start and once trend is clear & in our favor ... have clear and naked position
-- how to deal with roll-overs & sudden change due to premium difference
-- how to deal with time changes & data inconsistancies
-- any this else that imrpoves system performance

And above all keeping system simple & visual that anybody can understand signals in first glance.

Let me know who all are interested. Let's build resource library (books, forums, blogs, video etc.) for following topics.
Trend following systems
MA cross over systems
AFL programmers
Backtesting & analysis

TJ, of course, has a very good trend following system in 315 strategy. Then there was the EMA21 on 30/60 min thread by Rajsumi, and 3-13-39 crossover on 5 min by Mukherjee. ST, in one of his threads, explained 8-21-55 concept (will have to dig up the actual post, can anyone help ??)


Well-Known Member
TJ, of course, has a very good trend following system in 315 strategy. Then there was the EMA21 on 30/60 min thread by Rajsumi, and 3-13-39 crossover on 5 min by Mukherjee. ST, in one of his threads, explained 8-21-55 concept (will have to dig up the actual post, can anyone help ??)
I've looked at 315 strategy. Though could not really understand crux of it. May be I'm little overwhelmed with my own stuff. I think I should revisit all of these thread once again to understand finer apsect of trend following system. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
There's one bearish WW on gold 1 hr also...starting with 15feb 9am high on gci.... expecting it to start.....from HOD....

does that tally with you guys ? tgt 1721 odd area as per time symmetry...

Crude - Daily - WW:

It had another Bullish WW on 4Hour TF for which the target has been achieved..... Let's see if this works.....

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