How to trade with an oscillator


Well-Known Member

There are only two things that I personally make an entry based on stochastic.

1) Is the example you have already seen of connecting HH & LH and extending the line

2) Second is which is illustrated in another thread... is that of HL & LL

Both need Qualifiers to enter Trade.... even for a scalp... I would do it on the hourly chart...considering MCX opens & closes much earlier than International markets... would look at 30 mins. TF atleast.



Well-Known Member
Adit, I was in in-home sales and management for 20 years. Each customer represented an envelope with their name on the outside and the goods on the inside. As I was in the home, the customer would tell me the names of their kids, and if friends were over, I got their names too. While they talked, I would right everyone's name down. As we progressed, they thought it was something that I remembered everyone's names. I said when it comes to names, I got a memory 2 inches long, and then I showed them I had to write everyone's names down in order to keep up.
We got a famous baseball player here in the US named Reggie Jackson. When I was a teen-ager, all the kids were yelling out his name because they wanted his autograph. I'll never forget what he said, "Quiet! I don't need everyone screaming out my name. They put my name on my back, so I don't forget my name. Of all the kids that were there he signed for me and a couple others. We were the only ones that were quiet (Miracle for me--lol.)

My signature describes myself very appropriately......

I am very bad at remembering names.... A little less bad at remembering faces........ and awfully bad at a lot of other things which even I am unaware of........ :)
Savant, why would the timing of when the market opens have any bearing on your trading decision?


There are only two things that I personally make an entry based on stochastic.

1) Is the example you have already seen of connecting HH & LH and extending the line

2) Second is which is illustrated in another thread... is that of HL & LL

Both need Qualifiers to enter Trade.... even for a scalp... I would do it on the hourly chart...considering MCX opens & closes much earlier than International markets... would look at 30 mins. TF atleast.



Well-Known Member
Thanks To Murthyavr.....for his suggestion...!!!


Please find markings on the same chart as was posted by you.

1) Green Line on Stochastic Connecting Two Highs...which is extended to right meeting at the %K (Red) & %D (Blue Dotted Line)

2) Vertical Reference Green Line spilling on to the Candle Chart is to pinpoint the Candle.

3) Mauve Outline around the Candle is the Entry Point beginning or somewhere which point %K (Red) Line would have moved up above the sloping Green Line Drawn on the Stochastic

4) Oblong Blue border highlighting the Points between %K & %D with a 'sizeable gap' indicating price would move up further before it reverses and Stochs become extremely OB

Dear Savant,
So much to learn from the chart.
Where the learning is going to end!
There goes the saint Thiruvalluvar in Tamizh 'What we have learnt is Fist(hand) full of sand & what we have not is as big as Universe.

I cannot but admire the intelectual members of this Forum Desi & foreign.

Thank you Savant & reciprocate your Greetings.
Thanks to Smart for starting this wonderful profitable thread.

As an after thought,i am adding.

In any profession,be it Engineering,Medicine,accounts,Law,Maths, the more you learn & practice,the more you are confident of success.

But in trading,the more you learn,the more the confidence is going South & afraid to take the trade.

The reason stalwarts give, Probability,Art,Fear & Greed,Psychology,what not & the net result is uncertainty that you would profit.

Is Ignorance is Bliss in trading?
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