Thanks.. I really appreciate your dedication in providing answers. I may/may not get an answer I want.. But I like the honesty and objectivity that you look at the question and attempt to answer them.
I know you have already got a huge fan club to which I am also member.. Just could not stop myself from posting this.
Keep it up buddy, We do appreciate you!!
More files. Again, don't forget to rename the files to .afl extension. Loading the industry and sector is lot of work. Here is some text I put for my friend a while back to load industry and sector info. Its lot of work, I promise.
1. Backup file c:\Program Files\Amibroker\<Indian
Stock database name> \Broker.Workspace
2. Delete Broker.Workspace
3. Delete and broker.sectors from
c:\program files\Amibroker. Ofcourse, back them up.
4. Copy the files I am attaching to this dir.
5. Copy, and into c:\program
6. Modify file to point to where U
will keep StockIndustry.csv file.
7. Now open Amibroker.
8. Do analysis for and
8. By default, all the stocks will be in the 1st
industry, Agro - Others. Move them to Industry 181
using menu item Symbol -> Organize assignments..
9. Open for analysis. In the Analysis window, choose 'to
analyze the open stock' as option (it does not matter.
We are not looking at stocks in the database. We are
reading from a file. So, why unnecessarily look at
each stock. We only want to run the script once. Not
4000 times). Scan it. Before U scan, make sure the stock being displayed has atleast 10 days of data. If not, analysis will not work.
10. Now, cross check it using menu item Symbol ->
organize assignments. If every thing is ok, U can run
the Sector and Industry formulas again to generate