i have funded 500$ , what amount should i aim for everyday?

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Let me pull on your reigns a little bit.
First of all, 10% per month is not that big a deal, and that's what $100 compounded at 10% interest in 97 months, which is 8 years and 1 month. On your spreadsheet, all you need to punch in is =1.1^97*100, and it's over $1 million.
The thing is if you start off with $100 and you make 10% per month consistently, you will not have $1 million. You will be pulling money out long before you get there. All that is really showing is the potential of growth. It shows what it means to compound interest and your gains.
The thing to zero in on is the development on your methodology. It will really get an exciting when you can look at the market completely on your own and say this is what the market will do, and then be right 80% of the time. It will be exciting when you can say this is why and how I entered and this is where it is headed.
To this day, it is still more exciting for me to view the charts interpret the data, and then come back and see I was right, than it is to count the pips and watch the equity grow.
I know you are young and enthusiastic, but harness some of that and just be patient.

BTW, I know you are working diligently. I know you are doing loads of screen time. All of that is wonderful. I just trying to direct that enthusiasm in the right channels, and also get you to see this is a business and it needs to be treated as such.
hello sir thank you, I know i will be pulling out the money (IF or EVEN) long before I get there. i always say this to myself that Patience Is The Key To Success, what i am doing now i will earn 20 times more than that for which i am currently going to school for like you said! then i think this way - Here in India people go do MBA and get a job at the age of 24 ! then they start earning 700$ every month! but When i reach there i'l be earning 20 times more ! my mom and everyone here always discourages(as a fact that i never get above 40% in school ) I am ruing my life not to do this and to study and go for mba and get a job, i hate that :( I did not choose this field because it is a good way of making money but its very interesting I love T.A and F.A, watching charts and why is the price bullish/bearish. where the market is going and when i am right i feel happy! and your forecast says it all :) secondly sir i never lost a trade in 23 days after i started learning T.A i think i am figuring it how the price movement works with T.A ! today there was rally in most of the pair including USD, Today Eur/usd rallied heavily on release of a news that Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index is greatly better than expected,so i bought the pair when it Broke The BB upper band I had an idea that the short term rally may stop till it after it hit 1.4480. so i closed it in 54 pips profit( I REMEMBER YOUR WORDS TAKE WHAT THE MARKET GIVES YOU) . Here is A chart now with my current sell position - every indicator is showing overbought because of the news so the pair will fall for sure i am confident, i sold after i closed my buy position at 1.4483, here is the chart sir please comment on the idea it supports me :)



Well-Known Member
Saif, I also went short the EUR/USD.
It sounds like you are making good progress. Keep up the good work!
Now, let me meddle a bit. (I got 6 kids older than you, so this will come from a Father's heart.) You mom is right. You should go and get you a job. There is a principle behind that, and you will make your mom happy. As you trade and continue to progress, show here the reports so she knows the progress you are making while you are working. She will now be happy with you working, and when she sees your earning statement, she will also become a little more open-minded.
By getting a job, there will also be some pressure taken off of you because your mom won't be after you, and you will have some money in your pocket.
There is no need to have money worries on your journey. It is going to be a few years before you are going to be making any kind of a substantial living off your trading, so you might as well make some money while you are learning. This way you can pay for your internet service, which will also
further appease your mom.
My goodness! Your thread has a way of covering it all.

hello sir thank you, I know i will be pulling out the money (IF or EVEN) long before I get there. i always say this to myself that Patience Is The Key To Success, what i am doing now i will earn 20 times more than that for which i am currently going to school for like you said! then i think this way - Here in India people go do MBA and get a job at the age of 24 ! then they start earning 700$ every month! but When i reach there i'l be earning 20 times more ! my mom and everyone here always discourages(as a fact that i never get above 40% in school ) I am ruing my life not to do this and to study and go for mba and get a job, i hate that :( I did not choose this field because it is a good way of making money but its very interesting I love T.A and F.A, watching charts and why is the price bullish/bearish. where the market is going and when i am right i feel happy! and your forecast says it all :) secondly sir i never lost a trade in 23 days after i started learning T.A i think i am figuring it how the price movement works with T.A ! today there was rally in most of the pair including USD, Today Eur/usd rallied heavily on release of a news that Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index is greatly better than expected,so i bought the pair when it Broke The BB upper band I had an idea that the short term rally may stop till it after it hit 1.4480. so i closed it in 54 pips profit( I REMEMBER YOUR WORDS TAKE WHAT THE MARKET GIVES YOU) . Here is A chart now with my current sell position - every indicator is showing overbought because of the news so the pair will fall for sure i am confident, i sold after i closed my buy position at 1.4483, here is the chart sir please comment on the idea it supports me :)

thank you again sir all parents are the same 'o_o' and yes my threat covers it all!:p i think after some year this threat could be some what famous like babypips !!people from all around the world will say if you are a totally newbie go and visit traderji and this threat for learning haha!! wow you have 6 kids? i bet they are good and smart as you :) !!Besides i will get a job when i am ready but it will be hard for me to study T.A then:( btw sir i closed my short on eur/usd at 1.4390 today as i think now it will be moving sideways(1.4350-1.4430), everyday is better getting the right idea and with the confluence of indicators( BB,RSI AND STOCH) and the human brain idea its been good, i have to avoid mistakes at all, i have to work on the emotional part:). because with all your help personally i feel confident now for the trades i open !!

SIR EUR/USD is just sideways, now that the rally is over its just trading between 1.4430 - 1.4350 , i am hoping for it to hit the This week containment 1.4237,but i am not getting the clear view because i do not know there is something that is not allowing the pair to head lower according to the forecast !i am with your forecast if it stays below 1.46 i am shorting it!!
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Well-Known Member
But the TA's will do you no good if you are not eating because of no money coming in. Also, if you manage your time right, you can handle learning to trade and working. I did when I started.
I'm not smart. I only have a high school education. I got straight A's in Math and Physical Education. Other than that, I was extremely average in school. I've taken my love for charts and math and was able to apply it to trading. The love for what I do has added to the passion for what I do.

thank you again sir all parents are the same 'o_o' and yes my threat covers it all!:p i think after some year this threat could be some what famous like babypips !!people from all around the world will say if you are a totally newbie go and visit traderji and this threat for learning haha!! wow you have 6 kids? i bet they are good and smart as you :) !!Besides i will get a job when i am ready but it will be hard for me to study T.A then:( btw sir i closed my short on eur/usd at 1.4390 today as i think now it will be moving sideways(1.4350-1.4430), everyday is better getting the right idea and with the confluence of indicators( BB,RSI AND STOCH) and the human brain idea its been good, i have to avoid mistakes at all, i have to work on the emotional part:). because with all your help personally i feel confident now for the trades i open !!

SIR EUR/USD is just sideways, now that the rally is over its just trading between 1.4430 - 1.4350 , i am hoping for it to hit the This week containment 1.4237,but i am not getting the clear view because i do not know there is something that is not allowing the pair to head lower according to the forecast !i am with your forecast if it stays below 1.46 i am shorting it!!
But the TA's will do you no good if you are not eating because of no money coming in. Also, if you manage your time right, you can handle learning to trade and working. I did when I started.
I'm not smart. I only have a high school education. I got straight A's in Math and Physical Education. Other than that, I was extremely average in school. I've taken my love for charts and math and was able to apply it to trading. The love for what I do has added to the passion for what I do.
OK thank you again sir i will keep that in mind but its still 5 years until before i complete me graduation and get a job! i don't believe you were average in school? really? and i hate maths i dropped it! I visited your profile today i saw your boy tucker he's very cute sir :) I to have a dog:!! and i have the same passion to trade like yours :p sir i am scalping euro/dollar for now!as i said sir it will be between 1.4430- 1.4350 :) I am happy when i get some things correct, Did you loose a trade in the First year sir ? and how long did it take you to continously develop a winning system ! I would like to know!!


Well-Known Member
There was a misunderstanding on my part. I just took it for granted you were graduated from school.
I graduated from high school 37 years ago. When I was in high school I never applied myself, and so I never got the good from school I should have.
Math was always a strong point with me. This is will come as a surprise, but in 4th grade I was quicker at adding up a column of numbers than my teacher. The students used to laugh because she would be embarrassed. Add to that the fact I was a cut up, and things were quite lively in school.
What kind of a dog do you have?
Tucker is 6 years old. We have identical birthdays-- July 5th. I'm sitting here in the office with him laying on my neck on the back of the chair right now. I love my dog! I have a standing joke with my friends. My wife told me from now on it has to be her or the dog. I sure miss my wife--lol.
I have lost many trades. I win about 85% of them, which is an average of 17 out of 20. My biggest winning streak was 25 consecutive trades with no losses.
It took me 3 years to soundly develop my methodology. I always look for ways to improve my trading. I'm always learning and seeking to get an edge. I always try and keep an open mind to new ideas. There's a story behind every part of my methodology and how it was developed. I'll tell it to you if you want. Most of it was developed through ideas and just keeping an open mind to all I've been in contact with.

OK thank you again sir i will keep that in mind but its still 5 years until before i complete me graduation and get a job! i don't believe you were average in school? really? and i hate maths i dropped it! I visited your profile today i saw your boy tucker he's very cute sir :) I to have a dog:!! and i have the same passion to trade like yours :p sir i am scalping euro/dollar for now!as i said sir it will be between 1.4430- 1.4350 :) I am happy when i get some things correct, Did you loose a trade in the First year sir ? and how long did it take you to continously develop a winning system ! I would like to know!!


Well-Known Member
They're similar, but there is a variant between the two. If they were identical, then the cross, EUR/GBP would never move.
I don't know if you know this, but if you take the current rate of the EUR/GBP and GBP/USD and multiply them together, the answer is the current rate of the EUR/USD. If you have taken algebra, then it will make sense. When you multiply EUR/GBP*GBP/USD, the GBP is in the numerator and the denominator, so they cancel out, and you are left with the EUR/USD.

and sir i am also looking at the chart of aud/usd and gbp/usd ! GBP/USD most of the time has the same price movement equivalent to EUR/USD !!
They're similar, but there is a variant between the two. If they were identical, then the cross, EUR/GBP would never move.
I don't know if you know this, but if you take the current rate of the EUR/GBP and GBP/USD and multiply them together, the answer is the current rate of the EUR/USD. If you have taken algebra, then it will make sense. When you multiply EUR/GBP*GBP/USD, the GBP is in the numerator and the denominator, so they cancel out, and you are left with the EUR/USD.
HOLY GOD, wow yes you are right !!haha, that is funny but its quite strange !I mean either it could be like a co-incident or is there a reason behind this?
There was a misunderstanding on my part. I just took it for granted you were graduated from school.
I graduated from high school 37 years ago. When I was in high school I never applied myself, and so I never got the good from school I should have.
Math was always a strong point with me. This is will come as a surprise, but in 4th grade I was quicker at adding up a column of numbers than my teacher. The students used to laugh because she would be embarrassed. Add to that the fact I was a cut up, and things were quite lively in school.
What kind of a dog do you have?
Tucker is 6 years old. We have identical birthdays-- July 5th. I'm sitting here in the office with him laying on my neck on the back of the chair right now. I love my dog! I have a standing joke with my friends. My wife told me from now on it has to be her or the dog. I sure miss my wife--lol.
I have lost many trades. I win about 85% of them, which is an average of 17 out of 20. My biggest winning streak was 25 consecutive trades with no losses.
It took me 3 years to soundly develop my methodology. I always look for ways to improve my trading. I'm always learning and seeking to get an edge. I always try and keep an open mind to new ideas. There's a story behind every part of my methodology and how it was developed. I'll tell it to you if you want. Most of it was developed through ideas and just keeping an open mind to all I've been in contact with.
No sir i am not graduated but i am way behind, i should have complete my graduation 2 years from now but it will take 5 more years! i failed in class due to maths! here the graduation means after completing 15 years of study life!!!!!, 12 years of school and 3 years of college life! the moment i entered your blog i had known how much you love your dog :) As for mam (your wife) she must be greatly angry on both of you :p dogs and married woman don't get along together :p I have a Dobermann, I love him to !!

Sir now you win 85 percent of trades! wooh that is great!how many trades do you open in a day sir? i think your biggest winning streak was 25 consecutive trades with no losses.was the result of 100 percent profit in a month:p Now i understand that winning or loosing trades continously does not make a good trader!I haveto keep this in mind! before i always use to get dissapointed on myself for every loosing trade, ! a good trader makes a approx amount of % of profits every month :) Yes sir there is no age for learning, learning never ends:) I would love to here about how much money did you started with and what it stands today! how you developed it your winning system and the open minded idea's!
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