My advice - go for commodities subbrokership
No SEBI registration fee - save on 22500 reqd for Equities
Only trades in FnO so volumes are large (1 lot of gold B+S = Rs 26 Lakhs)
Low Margin reqd (4%<) so clients can trade easily on less money
With equities failing Gold is the flavor of season and expected to outperform for next two years.
In Cash if a trader suffers losses he just takes delivery and waits for it to rise again. No trade no broke (excuse my mean streak but we are all here to earn!!!) In commodity fut he has to comulsorily square his position or take delivery (even better as higher broke) so volumes are built up automatically
The hassles are much less than equities and trade timings are more.
To summarise, you dont need to invest anything substantial to start commodities subbrokership and rewards are much greater for similar or less efforts.
A word of caution though. You need to find clients first. Commodity knowledge is still poor among people and thus comm trading is limited to HNIs or actual traders.
No SEBI registration fee - save on 22500 reqd for Equities
Only trades in FnO so volumes are large (1 lot of gold B+S = Rs 26 Lakhs)
Low Margin reqd (4%<) so clients can trade easily on less money
With equities failing Gold is the flavor of season and expected to outperform for next two years.
In Cash if a trader suffers losses he just takes delivery and waits for it to rise again. No trade no broke (excuse my mean streak but we are all here to earn!!!) In commodity fut he has to comulsorily square his position or take delivery (even better as higher broke) so volumes are built up automatically
The hassles are much less than equities and trade timings are more.
To summarise, you dont need to invest anything substantial to start commodities subbrokership and rewards are much greater for similar or less efforts.
A word of caution though. You need to find clients first. Commodity knowledge is still poor among people and thus comm trading is limited to HNIs or actual traders.