Intraday Options Trading - Feedback Required

Option Tips - What crazy returns!!!

I was surfing the net, and found several sites promising option tips that will give 200% return per MONTH!!!!

Others were toned down, offering 25% per MONTH!!!!

Obviously, 200% is a scam. But 25%?? Can we really make 25% per month on more or less consistent basis? I dont know. Sounds doifficult to believe. Whats your feedback?
Re: Option Tips - What crazy returns!!!

Hi OptionQuant,

Be your own trader/investor or go for an investment management firm do not go for tips... tips will just ruin you! It does not matter if they promise 200% or 25%, tips will ruin you.
What do u mean by Investment Management Firm? PMS type? I was looking at advisory from an advisory only firm with no brokerage house involved.

Typically, I was looking at
Re: How is Zerodha for Low Cost Brokerage?

Zerodha is offering Rs 20 per trade irrespective of size. Thats very good.

Anyone here using Zerodha for OPTIONS? I would appreciate your feedback
I have been using Zerodha for options trading, including intraday options trading. My experience with them is quite good - low brokerage, good software, etc. Your breakeven point for option trading is about 1 point change in option price when you trade 1 lot of Nifty option. If you increase the trade size, say if you trade 10 option lots in one trade, then your breakeven will decrease drastically to about 0.25 point change in option price. For example, if you buy 10 lots of Nifty option at Rs. 60 and sell them at 60.30, you'll earn profit. So, you get added trading advantage of low breakeven with bigger trades.
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