Life Changing Books

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i would suggest to buy it from a bookstore and read it in ur free time wen nothing else to do, no where to go , read slow it sud take abt 20 days to finish i fear hat after reading it many may change their journey of life it cud be a turning point.suitable for persons above 30 yrs of age having good logical mind i fear inexperienced people may derive wrong conclusions and misguide themsleves. so it is better to stay away
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Well-Known Member
Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
by Van Tharp (Author)

The bestselling holy grail of trading information-now brought completely up to date to give traders an edge in the marketplace

“Sound trading advice and lots of ideas you can use to develop your own trading methodology.”-Jack Schwager, author of Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards

This trading masterpiece has been fully updated to address all the concerns of today's market environment. With substantial new material, this second edition features Tharp's new 17-step trading model. Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom also addresses reward to risk multiples, as well as insightful new interviews with top traders, and features updated examples and charts.

My View:Van Tharp's classic on Money management and Risk management.No trading system is complete without these two parameters.


Well-Known Member
The Greatest Miracle In The World
Author: Og Mandino

Offering priceless wisdom to those searching for a higher meaning and purpose in life, this spellbinding narrative reveals exciting new secrets for personal happiness and success.

The Greatest Miracle In The World is a series of conversations between Og Mandino, when he was editor of Success magazine, and a fictional neighbour, Simon, an elderly gentleman, who turns out to be a ragpicker. Not the poverty-stricken and often juvenile ragpickers people encounter in their daily lives, but a picker of human rags - people discarded by society and dejected by their own lack of self-worth.

The narrative that follows culminates in Simon laying down four rules to a miraculous life, through tenets like Count Your Blessings, Proclaim Your Rarity, Go the Extra Mile, and Use Wisely Your Power of Choice. The underlying theme of Mandino’s book is that every human being is unique and because of this, no human being should feel like a failure.

Best known for his bestselling book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, Mandino stays true to his form of storytelling in this book. His books have strong Christian connotations and are written in biblical style. However, the content surpasses organised religion and may be construed as universal principles that help one lead a fulfilling life.

My View: Great affirmations which can form a habit of positive thinking.


Well-Known Member
The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes
by Mark Douglas (Author)

One of the first books to address the psychological nature of how successful traders think ~ The Disciplined Trader™ is now an industry classic. In this groundbreaking work published in 1990 ~ Douglas examines the causes as to why most traders cannot raise and keep their equity on a consistent basis ~ and brings the reader to practical and unique conclusions as to how to go about changing any limiting mindset. The trader is taken through a step-by-step process to break through those queries ~ and begin to understand that their very thoughts may be limiting their ability to accumulate and succeed at trading.

My View:A summary of the book in a page.



Well-Known Member
Warrenn Buffett
1.The Warrenn Buffett Way.
2.How to Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like Warrenn Buffett.
3.Pick Stocks Like Warrenn Buffett.
4.The Essays of Warrenn Buffett
5.The Snowball Warrenn Buffett And the Business Of Life.
6.Warrenn Buffett And Intrepretation Of Financial Statements.
7.Warrenn Buffett Biography
8.WHAT I Learned When I Sold To Warrenn Buffett.
9.Warrenn Buffett Speaks
10.The Buffettology

Benjamin Graham
1.The Intelligent Investor
2.Security Analysis
3.Common Sense investing Benjamin Graham

1.Paths to Wealth through Common Stocks.
2.Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits.

1.Learn to Earn
2.Beating the street.
3.Oneup on wallstreet.

Mohnish Pabrai

1.Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
2.How to trade in Stocks Jesse Livermoore
3.Trade like Jesse Livermoore.

Behavioural finance
1.Against the Gods
2.Why smart people make big money mistakes.
3.Extraordinary people delusions and madness of crowds.
4.Confessions of a value investor.
5.Martin gardner fads and fallacies in the name of science
6.Influence Robert Cialdini Charlie munger' favorite
7.Seldon psychology of the stock market.
8.The crowd.
9.The wisdom of crowds .

Margin of Safety
Opportunities for Patient Investors.

Financial Accounting.
1.Accounts Demysitified.
2.Financial Shenanigans.
3.The financial number's Game
4.Quality of Earnings.
5.How to read a financial report.

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
Principles of professional speculation.
Methods of a Wall Street Master.
All About Market Timing The easy Way To Get Started.
Buy The Rumour Sell The Fact
The Ultimate Trading Guide J.R HILL
Trading Systems And Methods Perry Kaufman.
Jake Bernstein The complete Day trader.
Trend forecasting with Technical Analysis
Master trader Jans Clever
Trading in momentum
Trading for a Living
Risk Analysis Techniques Trding
Bear Market Strategies Harry D Schultz.
All About Market Timing The Easy Waay to Get Started.
Predict Market with Technical Analysis Mcdonald Mic
Come into my Trading Room
How I made 2 millions in the Stock Market Nicolas Darvas
Short-Term Chart Patterns

Rich Dad and Poor Dad.
Conspiracy of the Rich
Rich dad guide to investing

Fortune without fear Real Estate Riches
Think like a champion
Trump univeristy wealth building 101.
Personal Finance
The richest man in Babylon.
Think Like a Millionaire
How to be a Billionaire
Secret's of a Miliionaire mind

The little books that beats the market.
The five rules of the stock investing.
The Alchemy of Finance.
Stock Market Wizards.
How George Soros Knows What he Knows.
A Bull in China Jim Rogers.
World's Greatest Investors
Essential Stock Picking Strategies
Lessons from the Wall Street
Barbarians at the gate.
Adam smith an enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth.
John kenneth galbraith A short history of financial euphoria.
Drunkards walk.
Stock investing for dummies
Super investors.
Bare Essentials of Investing
The superstock investors profiting from wall street.
Investment science David g luenberger.
Think grow rich.
Guide to investing.


Well-Known Member
Warrenn Buffett
1.The Warrenn Buffett Way.
2.How to Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like Warrenn Buffett.
3.Pick Stocks Like Warrenn Buffett.
4.The Essays of Warrenn Buffett
5.The Snowball Warrenn Buffett And the Business Of Life.
6.Warrenn Buffett And Intrepretation Of Financial Statements.
7.Warrenn Buffett Biography
8.WHAT I Learned When I Sold To Warrenn Buffett.

The superstock investors profiting from wall street.
Investment science David g luenberger.
Think grow rich.
Guide to investing.

Thanks for this exhaustive list of books.


Well-Known Member
Wohoooo... This list will keep every reader occupied for at least a year :D Thanks for sharing !

Warrenn Buffett
1.The Warrenn Buffett Way.
2.How to Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like Warrenn Buffett.
3.Pick Stocks Like Warrenn Buffett.
4.The Essays of Warrenn Buffett
5.The Snowball Warrenn Buffett And the Business Of Life.
6.Warrenn Buffett And Intrepretation Of Financial Statements.
7.Warrenn Buffett Biography
8.WHAT I Learned When I Sold To Warrenn Buffett.
9.Warrenn Buffett Speaks
10.The Buffettology

Benjamin Graham
1.The Intelligent Investor
2.Security Analysis
3.Common Sense investing Benjamin Graham

1.Paths to Wealth through Common Stocks.
2.Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits.

1.Learn to Earn
2.Beating the street.
3.Oneup on wallstreet.

Mohnish Pabrai

1.Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
2.How to trade in Stocks Jesse Livermoore
3.Trade like Jesse Livermoore.

Behavioural finance
1.Against the Gods
2.Why smart people make big money mistakes.
3.Extraordinary people delusions and madness of crowds.
4.Confessions of a value investor.
5.Martin gardner fads and fallacies in the name of science
6.Influence Robert Cialdini Charlie munger' favorite
7.Seldon psychology of the stock market.
8.The crowd.
9.The wisdom of crowds .

Margin of Safety
Opportunities for Patient Investors.

Financial Accounting.
1.Accounts Demysitified.
2.Financial Shenanigans.
3.The financial number's Game
4.Quality of Earnings.
5.How to read a financial report.

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
Principles of professional speculation.
Methods of a Wall Street Master.
All About Market Timing The easy Way To Get Started.
Buy The Rumour Sell The Fact
The Ultimate Trading Guide J.R HILL
Trading Systems And Methods Perry Kaufman.
Jake Bernstein The complete Day trader.
Trend forecasting with Technical Analysis
Master trader Jans Clever
Trading in momentum
Trading for a Living
Risk Analysis Techniques Trding
Bear Market Strategies Harry D Schultz.
All About Market Timing The Easy Waay to Get Started.
Predict Market with Technical Analysis Mcdonald Mic
Come into my Trading Room
How I made 2 millions in the Stock Market Nicolas Darvas
Short-Term Chart Patterns

Rich Dad and Poor Dad.
Conspiracy of the Rich
Rich dad guide to investing

Fortune without fear Real Estate Riches
Think like a champion
Trump univeristy wealth building 101.
Personal Finance
The richest man in Babylon.
Think Like a Millionaire
How to be a Billionaire
Secret's of a Miliionaire mind

The little books that beats the market.
The five rules of the stock investing.
The Alchemy of Finance.
Stock Market Wizards.
How George Soros Knows What he Knows.
A Bull in China Jim Rogers.
World's Greatest Investors
Essential Stock Picking Strategies
Lessons from the Wall Street
Barbarians at the gate.
Adam smith an enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth.
John kenneth galbraith A short history of financial euphoria.
Drunkards walk.
Stock investing for dummies
Super investors.
Bare Essentials of Investing
The superstock investors profiting from wall street.
Investment science David g luenberger.
Think grow rich.
Guide to investing.


Well-Known Member
Warrenn Buffett
1.The Warrenn Buffett Way.
2.How to Think Like Benjamin Graham And Invest Like Warrenn Buffett.
Think grow rich.
Guide to investing.
wow! That's quite a list...!

My Favorite Books that changed my life:

***** The Life Changing List *******
== Ayn Rand ==
* Virtue of selfishness
* The Fountain Head
* Atlas Shrugged

== Eckhart Tolle ==
* The power of NOW
* A New Earth: Awakening to your life's purpose

== Guy Finley ==
* Letting Go

== Carl Jung ==
* Man and His Symbols
am still trying to understand Carl Jung and his ideas.

== Paulo Cohelo ==
* The Alchemist

***** Eye Opener List *****
== Robert Kiyosaki ==
* Rich Dad Poor Dad

== Henry Hazlitt ==
* Economics in One Lesson
Gave me an intro into economics and libertarian ideas.

== Nassem Taleb ==
* Fooled by Randomness
* Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

== Aaron Brown, Eric Kim ==
* Red-Blooded Risk: The Secret History of Wall Street
This book is one of the best books I have read in understanding risk management.

== Chip and Dan Heath ==
Switch: How to Change Things when Change is Hard

**** Very Enjoyable and stimulating reads *****

== Walter Block ==
Defending the Undefendable
Author defends "pimps, drug dealers, blackmailers, corrupt policemen, and loan sharks as 'economic heroes'.

== Richard H. Thaler Cass R. Sunstein ==
Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness
I learned something about 'choice architecture' !

== Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons ==
The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us Book

*** Other investments/trading related ***
* The Disciplined trader
* Time Compression Trading - Jason Jankovsky
* The Trading Game: Playing by the Numbers to Make Millions - Ryan Jones
* Super Trader: Make consistent profits in good and bad market - Van Tharp


This list only partial... instead of grouping knowledge by books...
I would like to group ideas by authors... we can absorb ideas from youtube/article/books/talks etc etc.
In my mind I group knowledge by authors and their key ideas so the book list is partial.

Here is a grouping of knowledge by authors and ideas:

Nassim Taleb : randomness, antifragility, risk management (and for his anger and style!)
Ayn Rand : individualism and capitalism
Walter Block : Libertarianism

Henry Hazlit : economics, libertarianism

Robert Kiyosaki : investment and entrepreneurship

Van Tharp, Ryan Jones: Position Sizing and Compounding

Osho, Eckhart Tolle : About ego, meditation and mindfulness
Carl Jung : interesting psychological stuffs (such as archetypes, transpersonal ego!, dreams, synchroncity etc.)

etc etc.
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