M6 - Man, Mind, Money, Markets, Method & Madness


Well-Known Member

In trading, I believe the market can do anything, and even with the best strategy we can expect a string of losses. However, what I lay emphasis is on being able to analyse the RR of each entry and the ability to take the trade without question if the criteria is met. Even if it comes after a string of losses. However, if I have a few consecutive failed trades and don't feel up to it, I feel its o.k. to take a break and be away from the market for a while.

Re. what others do, should not influence our thinking. I am only concerned on setups that work for me, my RR ratio, my SL, trailing SL, and exit levels. And anything that I can learn or improve upon is importan

The mark of Great Trader in the making !!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Amit. I hope atleast to match up to my own expectations and achieve my targets, and for that I will do all that is necessary. I consider myself a learner, as market teaches us something new each day!!


The mark of Great Trader in the making !!!


Well-Known Member
I got a PM asking about Adget. Ummm... I am quite active with commodity trades in the evening and MCX closes late night. There is a lot of action (not to be missed) :) Trading commodities compared to stock derivatives is like being in Churchgate Station as compared to say Madhapora Junction (where ever it is) :)

However, I do have an interest to consider all types of systems and techniques to learn something new and update myself all the time. So this thing about Adget, which is my current interest. However, the problem is of access to my friends laptop, which I can do on Teamviewer. Not very easy though... I did run a scan today for long and short recommendations : 3 strategies threw up hundreds of recommendations. However none using XTL technique and from futures group (in which I would have an interest) So more on that later. :(

Anyway, I am posting a chart of Nifty. How good I find Adget? Will post as I go along. Am posting here and not on Adget thread till I have something of value.



Well-Known Member
I got a PM asking about Adget. Ummm... I am quite active with commodity trades in the evening and MCX closes late night. There is a lot of action (not to be missed) :) Trading commodities compared to stock derivatives is like being in Churchgate Station as compared to say Madhapora Junction (where ever it is) :)

However, I do have an interest to consider all types of systems and techniques to learn something new and update myself all the time. So this thing about Adget, which is my current interest. However, the problem is of access to my friends laptop, which I can do on Teamviewer. Not very easy though... I did run a scan today for long and short recommendations : 3 strategies threw up hundreds of recommendations. However none using XTL technique and from futures group (in which I would have an interest) So more on that later. :(

Anyway, I am posting a chart of Nifty. How good I find Adget? Will post as I go along. Am posting here and not on Adget thread till I have something of value.


I have no experience of Adget but from the Chart you have posted,this is what any ordinary AFL would give.


Well-Known Member

The coding for Adget is not known. It's basically black box trading - in part it looks at statistical data to color the candles - note there are four colors and even a negative close is considered bullish and vice versa. I have not made up my mind on Adget's utility - just evaluating it objectively, before I form my opinion as to its value.


I have no experience of Adget but from the Chart you have posted,this is what any ordinary AFL would give.


Well-Known Member
A Weekly Schedule for Trading Business

While surfing the net I came across a weekly schedule for a family.

For some traders doing trading full time,we can replace the activities and make a schedule for our trading business.
Thus we can maintain our focus on our schedule and avoid distractions.
It need not be rigid,but an overall a plan to fix the daily schedule,similar to the working of an office.

When the market is sideways with little movement , we can schedule another activity in its place.



Well-Known Member

So that the traders know what they are facing and how well prepared the 'other side' is.... Can we be complacent in trading? When 300 Mil. dollars are spent to shave off .005 seconds to execute an order? This no doubt pertains to Intl. markets - but what is not known is how much the FII's and local biggies have spent to have their servers located close to NSE's, while we trade on outdated cables and irregular net connection.....