Market updates for Intraday

Monday, 16-May-2011, 12:20pm

Market still in red; Going Flat; Positive bias;
World markets are mostly in the red;
Upward surge possible in our market;
NIFTY now around 5530; Slight positive bias;
Local resistance is at 5560; This has to be crossed for upside;
After that next target is 5600;
Support level of 5500 holding strong;
Sharp fall if 5500 goes down.
Monday, 16-May-2011, After Market Hours

Another day of absolutely flat trading that stayed in the negative. NIFTY support of 5470 managed to hold and the market closed on another strong support of 5500. Toady's trading was not good for the intraday trader as the market kept within a tight range throughout the day. Low volumes have again started to create a build-up. We should see some direction tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Monday, 16-May-2011, After Market Hours

Another day of absolutely flat trading that stayed in the negative. NIFTY support of 5470 managed to hold and the market closed on another strong support of 5500. Toady's trading was not good for the intraday trader as the market kept within a tight range throughout the day. Low volumes have again started to create a build-up. We should see some direction tomorrow.
I think the market closed around 5000
if i am right.
Tuesday, 17-May-2011, Pre-Market 8:45am

Flat or gap-down opening and cautious trading expected today;
Asian markets bad; Whole world is in red;
Dollar down; NYMEX Crude is also down by $1+;
NIFTY support levels today are: 5440, 5390 and 5350;
NIFTY resistance levels today are: 5600, 5650 and 5690;
Q4 Results today: OPTOCIRCIU SBI and others;
Our market likely to have lots of movement today.
Tuesday, 17-May-2011, 9:55am

Flat opening as expected; Going good and strong now;
Positive bias; Market very quiet and cautious;
NIFTY opened today around 5495, went up immediately to 5525 levels;
NIFTY now around 5515; Downside below 5500; Downside sharp below 5440;
Upside will be possible after 5540; Bulls in control after 5600;
Market likely to trade choppy in the next 2 hours.
Tuesday, 17-May-2011, 11:10am

Market back in red; Going down; Negative bias;
Asian markets are mixed; Upward surge possible;
Take LONG position if positive surge comes with volume;
NIFTY now around 5480; Slight negative bias;
Local support of 5470 holding for now; Next support is at 5440 and 5390;
Sharp down side if this is broken; No upside until 5525 is crossed;
After that next target is 5540 and 5600;
Be careful in choppy market ...
Tuesday, 17-May-2011, 12:40pm

Market still in the red; Trading flat again;
Our market trading within a range; Slight Positive bias;
NIFTY around 5475 now; Support of 5470 still holds;
Next support is still at 5440 and 5390;
New local resistance is created at 5490; Next remains at 5525;
All for LONG; Be certain before taking position;
Careful in LONG in choppy market...
Wednesday, 18-May-2011, Pre-Market 8:50am

Gap-up to Flat opening with robust trading expected today;
Asian markets in green; World markets are OK;
Dollar holding; NYMEX Crude is below $100;
NIFTY support levels today are: 5400, 5375 and 5350;
NIFTY resistance levels today are: 5500, 5560 and 5580;
Q4 Results today: BAJAJAUTO, ORCHIDCHEM and others;
Our market likely to have positive trading today.