MCX Silver Real Time Trading Log - 20% ROI

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Re: 10th Trade


support and resistance are from pivot levels..
1. How can We know pivot level support and resistance?
2. How much time interval chart u watch? Is it 5 minute candles or 10 minute candle?
3:Do u use trendlines?
4: Any MT4 formula for knowing support n resistance?

Sorry for lot of questions.....
Hi Marimuthu,

Great going with planned target. Best wishes.

In commodity trading you may need around 3K to buy silver micro.
How much you need to sell silver micro?

You may know for buying option we need to pay only the premium value.
But for selling option we need to pay more than premium value.

Where we can get charting software for MCX in MT4? Firstcharting is costlier.

Happy trading.


Well-Known Member
Re: 10th Trade

1. How can We know pivot level support and resistance?
2. How much time interval chart u watch? Is it 5 minute candles or 10 minute candle?
3:Do u use trendlines?
4: Any MT4 formula for knowing support n resistance?

Sorry for lot of questions.....
1. You can get piovt level S/R by inputting previous day OPEN , HIGH LOW and CLOSE..( i am doing slight modifcation in that to suit for slver trading, i cannot reveal what is that slight modification)

2. I use only 5 min chart..

3. No trendlines.

4. I have some MT4 formula for support/resistance but i am not using it now..


Well-Known Member
Hi Marimuthu,

Great going with planned target. Best wishes.

In commodity trading you may need around 3K to buy silver micro.
How much you need to sell silver micro?

You may know for buying option we need to pay only the premium value.
But for selling option we need to pay more than premium value.

Where we can get charting software for MCX in MT4? Firstcharting is costlier.

Happy trading.
Thanks a lot for your best wishes..

Your point of concern about premium required for selling is valid only for OPTIONS ..being commodity FUTURE, u need same margin for both selling and buying..

For MCX MT4 charting, YES you can get it around 500-600 rs per month but not orginal version..(these ppl get one account with MT4 service provider and misuse it by giving to multiple people)..

P.S :- I am not trading silver micro no SILVER MAIN (30 kg) contract..


Well-Known Member
12th trade

Buy Silver May Future only at 54450 (if dips comes till 5.45 PM,otherwise cancel buy order)

SL 54360

TGT will update if call exceuted..
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