Monkey King's Oily Tales (Day Trading Crude Oil)

Was long at 3949, got stopped out at 3954 :confused:
Then rose up to 3666
Good entry and a good trade, you followed the basics. As long as we save ourselves to fight another day, we survive. Even if we miss the big moves, it is ok. As long as the basics are covered. Good trade discipline. I get hit 90 percent of the time this way but I try to follow the set up. Safety first, lol.
i was tracking 5min 21 ema and 200ema for trend direction
Ok, stick and train your eye to whatever you feel is best. I have friends abroad who trade wti in big lots with just 20 ema.

They tell me that the simpler the chart, the less you make mistakes. That feels right to me.

Took a scalp in zinc, oops, net is positive again, just 100 but a plus, lol


Well-Known Member

I was tracking CrudoilMini chart! Here are my obs:

My Amibroker chart showed a sudden dip at 1445 lowering to 3905 but just for fraction of second. The chart recorded it. However the chart of Zerodha Showed nothing, though intraday low recorded as 3905.

Was it a real whipsaw? Does such whipsaws trigger stoplosses?
Possible, it does happen at times. Since we do not have tick charts. I suspect they do trigger sl's.

Maybe we will have to check with some senior members here regarding this to get an informed and correct answer to your doubt.

My answer is based on what the zerodha helpline exec told me when a deep sl got triggered despite nothing registering on the chart.

You do have a traders eye for detail. Kudos to that.


Well-Known Member

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