Muinalis way of learning how to trade options


Well-Known Member
as you have full month expiry ahead so that there is no fear of fast time value erosion.

you have limited your loss for full month expiry ,I thing probability toward win should be more than 80%.
Things to careoff
(1.) certainly time value decay is only part to care off as u paid premium too high .
(2.) chances of volatilty will bullish ahead not 100% sure.hope will not fall below

personally I like this both strategy as much as I hate short straddle and strangle.
i never traded strategy before but i will do certainly
the trade is taken because of vix at lower end of the trading band. January is traditionally a 5-7% range month and i need a 3% move to make money.


Well-Known Member
as i can see you opted best strategy among for good timeframe if you have taken trade only because of vix(index volatily) then little confusing to me.trend not change till now neither in daily chart nor weekly.

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sir,kindly elaborate how did you defined range band?


Well-Known Member
Dear Muinali

If you want to do so, then why not spot on specific topics you think you have to add and the rest is done with links to given posts. In that way you safe a lot of time on writing down such post, as I not mind when you would do it like that as you until now did great and will have my support. :thumb:

As you do trade options on shares, what about dear Monasonas question about trading calendars on them, as I am a pure option on future trader and that is a bit different compare to options on shares<

Good trading

Dear Dan sir
checked query monasonas, request you to reply her/him your best first, i will try to add after you if require as i am not expirt till now


Well-Known Member
Yes, as Dan sir has also described Bolinger Band technical indicator also gives us a good indication of your stock or index's Implied Volatility .
When the bands are narrow, your underlying is experiencing low volatility.
Chances are your stock or index is also in an uptrend.
In contrast, if the bands are wide, then implied volatility is high.

This makes sense as the upper and lower bands represent a 2 standard deviation move from the simple moving average. most of time stocks and index stay in this range 95% of the time.

The Bollinger squeeze can be used to help identify major trend changes. Traders will often use this together with other technical indicators to try to predict which way the market or stock will “break”.

Non-directional traders find it useful as a “warning sign” that a significant price move may occur.
Remember, Bollinger bands are based on using a simple moving average (usually 20 day) and an upper and lower band. Both the upper and lower bands represent a two standard deviation price move. So the price should stay inside the bands 95% of the time.

Why a 20 day moving average using bollinger bands? This is the "standard setting". However, it makes sense for non-directional traders because you will likely be out of most of your trades in 20 days or so.

The Bollinger squeeze is based on the idea that the market in general goes from times of high volatility to low volatility, then back to high volatility. Low volatility can be seen when the bands contract or get close together.

After a long period of low volatility in the markets (quiet period) the market will sometimes “break” fast into a new trend direction.

As of now, from first week of december nifty trading very narrow range.
Have a look at nifty chart

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what will happen next,god knows better,we can assume onlyyyyyyyyyyyy


Well-Known Member
my question to linkon sir :) long squeeze will continue ? is there any way to identify? there any chance of cheap premium within week in same strategy?


Well-Known Member
it says that non-directional trader take their strategy position in one standard deviation range:)
There is no rule that is has to be on STDV one. It always depends on what the market is doing, High vola or Low vola, as some times market not even make one STDV. Then you have to even go down to 0.8 or what ever the market does or you even have to go up to 3 or 4 or 5 STDV in extreme markets.

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