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To my all successful Traders friends visiting this thread

Let me tell you 90% beggers in India beg either they have become used to begging and now dont want to work or they are part of syndicate organized begging ( even to the extent bringing professional beggers from Bangladesh who are ready remove a limb or two to invoke more compassion). TOI reported that beggers are going to Arab countires to beg during the month of Ramzan and expext a bounty. They are addicted to alcohol, charas, smack, ganza and what not. they are involved in crimes against women, theft etc.

There is too much money and comfort in begging then hard work. Here in Delhi beggers refuse to take alms less the 5 rs.
I still remember my dad asked one of the healthy begger to stop begging and offer him job and he laughed saying he earns more than any our servant.
One of the begger was found to own few flats in Mumbai and a personal car. He use to change his cloths and went to malls in the evening lol..

We all feel compassionate about about poor man but before distributing any alms we must be careful and give a though that whether we are encouraging this syndicate.

Lastly we should feel guilty of our success as a trader (I am not saying that anyone here is feeling so) we earn because we worked are to reach this level. We are not robbing any one or its not a graft money we pay more taxes any any business in this country.

Having said all this my main point is I personally believe that one should be compassionate but should not blindly donate.

Sorry of any one felt this post spoilt his/her Sunday morning

Rajan bhai please let me know if you want me to remove this post from your thread
Sure remove this post...(it was unexpected after DSM post) ...........I have answer your post........but I don't want to answer negative minded people...

I am 100% are some young guys who never struggle in your life.....(you may born with Golden

Spoon) God bless you.......
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Well-Known Member
Sure remove this most...(it was unexpected after DSM post) ...........I have answer your post........but I don't want to answer negative minded people...

I am 100% are some young guys who never struggle in your life.....(you may born with Golden

Spoon) God bless you.......
I was born with the proverbial platinum spoon. Sir but I took on life and I am struggling to make my own identity. I suggest that all young people should struggle themselves and find out the hardships of life. Then they will respect their fathers even more. But sadly many people of my generation are pampered with money and have become lazy. They should go out, with empty pockets and create their own world if they are strong enough. I never thought of myself as a person of means, who will get a huge inheritance. I always thought, that is my family's money not mine. I shall create my own fortune. I will have my own name in the world. I want be known as a self made man. Not a rich brat who got wealth from his father.

All my friends here who are senior in age to me and have children. As a struggling entrepreneur. I can confidently say to you that if you put your children though these voluntary hardships they will come out as better human beings.
His name has been discussed before too ! I fail to understand how can a person ridicule another person's name??? Its rude thing to do ! :mad:
Why not a polite question asking the meaning of the name! If you feel it was done on a spur of the moment, do edit your post.
Ghanisht = Hindi word , meaning : Very Intimate !!!
Yes I agree with you..........I request Trader-pk.......please edit your post.......Don't spoil the great Sunday.......Because today is EKADASHI...:):thumb:


Well-Known Member
By the way: What doe's it help when removes his post, but there are other post's which quoted his post??? Your choices.

His post probably was not meant in a bad way. A few time ago he also struggled in his live, lost his job and his girlfriend and now he is married and has a new job. Maybe some words could have been choosed a bit different in his post, but the problem about those organized begging syndicates even exist here in Europe. It is proved that many people from Rumania do lead such syndicates here in the big cities. Police tries to keep them from the streets. So they are banned for a while from certain places but occur the next day on other places. Even asked in a documentary about them, they openly told what they do. They also say that it is very lucrative for the bosses behind the lines and that they do not have much scholar education, as many of them brought in the business as child and do so since then. So to keep an open eye to who we give our money on the streets is surely a must.

Question: What is EKADASHI?

Take care / DanPickUp


Well-Known Member
May be begging has also become a business now but if people stop donating, few poor people who dont have anything may die on streets...our govt wont take care of them..bcoz they wont get any vote from if we see hungry old people or disabled people we should give some coins so that they can have food. I think many very poor families kick their old parents bcoz they cant afford in this high cost of living...if nobody helps them what will happen? should not help those who beg in the name of showing a photo of god..those are definitely fake...


Well-Known Member
May be begging has also become a business now but if people stop donating, few poor people who dont have anything may die on streets...our govt wont take care of them..bcoz they wont get any vote from if we see hungry old people or disabled people we should give some coins so that they can have food. I think many very poor families kick their old parents bcoz they cant afford in this high cost of living...if nobody helps them what will happen? should not help those who beg in the name of showing a photo of god..those are definitely fake...
I can understand about an old hungry person or person who has both arms or legs cut off. But what about those younger beggars? who have minor deformity? or person who is perfectly fine? In CP a few days ago, there was a blind man begging and escorting that blind man was a fit young man. I refused to donate anything so in anger he hit my car with his steel bowl.

It is wise to donate money to hungry people and even more so help them get a livelihood. A jamadar in our pump has a very capable daughter. My nana is funding her full education. That is what we should do.

Friends, I despise and HATE these people who can fully become productive members of our country instead they are lazy and wish to live life begging. I see even children begging. There are respectable poor people in our country aswell. The person will do day labour or pull rickshaw even pick up trash, but he has self respect as to not BEG.

I run a micro-finance company. Even if it is for profit. I have waved of months of interest from two loans because they were actually doing something productive with it. One lady took loan from me and opened a cosmetics shop, Another person took loan and bought a tailoring machine for his wife. I have waived interest to half for both of these loans.


Well-Known Member
Anybody using Fibonacci numbers in trading?

Recently met a trader who has his own office setup in Andheri and trades basis price levels. He is a 30 lot trader in futures, and his style of trading? Only price levels basis Fibonacci numbers based on previous two days High, Low & Close along with the day's 15 minutes data after open - i.e High, Low & Close.

HE DOES NOT SEE THE CHARTS - ONLY CURRENT PRICE. Basis current price and a reference to his calculations derived from the above data, he nibbles small bites of profits, considering his lot size and his office setup is surely not small.

He's a total professional, and though he showed me some of his notes and workings he has not disclosed his methods. Was wondering if anybody else trades exclusively basis Fibonacci.?


Well-Known Member
Anybody using Fibonacci numbers in trading?

Recently met a trader who has his own office setup in Andheri and trades basis price levels. He is a 30 lot trader in futures, and his style of trading? Only price levels basis Fibonacci numbers based on previous two days High, Low & Close along with the day's 15 minutes data after open - i.e High, Low & Close.

HE DOES NOT SEE THE CHARTS - ONLY CURRENT PRICE. Basis current price and a reference to his calculations derived from the above data, he nibbles small bites of profits, considering his lot size and his office setup is surely not small.

He's a total professional, and though he showed me some of his notes and workings he has not disclosed his methods. Was wondering if anybody else trades exclusively basis Fibonacci.?
I am only a learner in TA sir. But chart is also just a visual format for price action which is in numbers right?

I am learnings harmonic chart patterns which make heavy use of fibonacci. just my 2 paise.
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