my options picks intraday/delivery

option fan

Well-Known Member
Good morning..

Its all about naked NIFTY options trading for a small capital trader

Is it possible...?. Think your way... last 3-6 months I have done it succefully.


Earning a few points on NIFTY options is quite easy if we found right trade

If u have observed we have never traded in high premium or deep in the money options... so premium is usualy ranging from 40-100 rs for any trades posted in this thread.

If our trade is right.. we have usualy seen 30-100% returns on our trades.

Usualy any NIFTY @ the money or near the money options gives us 10-20% swings many times (2-3 times) a day. which is 8-10 rs on a option with a premium arround 80 rs.

If we target just 10% of profit a trade.... obiviously with strict s/l your capital may grow like below...

1st trade = 100 X 110% = 110%
2nd trade = 110 X 110% = 121%
3rd trade = 121 X 110% = 133.1%... and so on.

on 8th succesfull trade in a row with 10% predefined profit limit your capital assigned for options DOUBLES !! or 214%

As we have average 20 trading sessions in a month and we need just 8 trades with 10% profit ( which is very small in a way on options), we have lot of time to find right trades and need not to hurry !!

factors to worry ...

1. Is it a RIGHT trade..? ( patience to find rgt trade PAYs !!, we have lot of time!!)

2. If our s/l ( a must factor) is taken in a row in initial trades.. ( assign just a part of your trading capital for option trading as per your risk appetite)

3. Brokarage should be low else... ( check it 1st I am paying 25 rs + 25 rs + taxes etc now)

factors those favors.. ( considering we are into rgt trade)

1. 10% is a small tgt usualy gets done in an hr or so..

2. though we think to limit our returns per trade @ 10% it is really not necessory if you know the concept of trailing s/l. and locking 10% profit.(but never carry the trade)

3. for the 10% tgt we need not carry the trade for next day !! so no overnight risks !! exit where ever it is and find next 1 for next day.

4. its not needed to trade every day !!

5. we need just 8 rgt trades out of 20 days !( there is a scope of finding more trades !!)

6. tracking only NIFTY is sufficient !

there can be different views of diffent peoples as this seems very much statistical. and current trend is only bullish.

but with my experiance and time leavarage we have in hand i can say its succesfull with me atleast for last 6 months.

I have traded only this way and with my capital of rs 1 L have and taken handsome or sometimes huge payouts last 6 is since when i started trading options.

I keep my capital fixed to 1L and take payout every month whatever above 1 L.

I am just sharing my experiance as this may help some one who is trading or thinking to trade NAKED OPTIONs.

good luck & happy trading !!