my options picks intraday/delivery


Well-Known Member
hi option fan,

can u suggest some websites for paper trading Futures & Options?


Well-Known Member
I will be the most happy person for the if it crossed or traded @ 44.......
Are you in a hope/pray mode or looking for a level for spot nifty to cross for your long calls @ 44? The way in which premium in NF has come down to even 5 is not a good sign...Though I'm also trading from the long side & hoping that the spot doesn't go below 5950 leave alone 5900-30...

option fan

Well-Known Member
I will be the most happy person for the if it crossed or traded @ 44.......
BOUGHT... 6100 CEs @ 34

going to hold........ and really bought HUGE qty to my capacity.
sold all @ 41

Are you in a hope/pray mode or looking for a level for spot nifty to cross for your long calls @ 44? The way in which premium in NF has come down to even 5 is not a good sign...Though I'm also trading from the long side & hoping that the spot doesn't go below 5950 leave alone 5900-30...
@ PGDIMES i am seriously not a HOPE/PRAY kind of person.. any loss which will result in loss of 20% of my capital @ start of expiry i will not trade whole month.if i was able to sell 6100 ce @ 44 whatever options I am holding all this month, with profit or loss, their costs would have covered fully.

and I love scalping or chota chota trades in futures ... just to cover costs of options or get money to invest in options and keep my base capital safe. so far this method is doing great for me..

option fan

Well-Known Member
bought 6000 PE @ 77 & 6100 CE @ 35

moderate qty not big not small ( just with the ammount which i can hold without loosing my sleep in the night)

ratio 1 : 2 ( as my bias towards longs against each put of 6000 bought 2 calls of 6100 so 2 calls + 1 put wil cost me 77+35+35 = 147 rs.. )

this is just a try to hedge options with options... dunno how it will work