my options picks intraday/delivery


Well-Known Member
Ah, at last a thread saying sold CALLS at PROFIT!!!!
I think there are many people today who have sold nifty puts and calls both in profit...


Well-Known Member
Hi option fan

U are already with BWA , thought of asking u some more questions.Thier normal offer is 25/- buy and 25/- Sell per lot for options.
They are ready to negotiate charges .

Any idea what they usually offer.Like committment and the brokerage ?
What is their downtime ? In a worst month how many times u have faced problems like delayed quotes , hang etc ?



Well-Known Member
Hi Option Fan,

why you are not contributing to this thread any more from last 2-3 days. Eagerly waiting to listen from you about the market direction before expiry and about your takes.


Well-Known Member
Hi Option Fan,

Buy Qty {NIFTY 25-NOV-10 CE 6000} were almost double from sell qty ..any reason why - Expiry is very near.
10:38 trend change seen on 3 min chart .But stop loss got hit many times.

Today I have oberved Broker's Day.

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Well-Known Member
Today had caught CE but due to stop loss getting hit today gave broker some some.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Option Fan,

Where are u ? Need more info on BWA.I am trying options trade with less qty for Intraday.Was able to catch CE gain.Am waiting for account with good broker to trade in good quantity.So BWA feedback is requested.

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