my options picks intraday/delivery


Well-Known Member
Praying for your family member a quick recovery.
Keep up your spirits to cheer your family member & Dont let the gloomies win.
All will be fine safe and sound.Don't worry brother.


Well-Known Member
Enjoying trading in options with small qty - Though brokerage is high atleast no downtime and I can concentrate on trade.
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option fan

Well-Known Member
boght 5900 CE @ 95.4 sold @ 98.5 :D something is better !

placed a buy order @ 179.30 for 5900 PE...... executed expecting 186....SOLD @ 185 unexpected quick ! !

option fan

Well-Known Member
I shorted 2 lots of 5900 PE @ 187 and bought 3 lots of 5800 PE @ 134 ..

my 1st try shorting an option..:) rather trying something

total premium paid = 26 rs + brokerage... dunno exactly what it is ( spread strategy)

EDIT : total premium paid = 28 rs + brokerage... dunno exactly what it is ( spread strategy)
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