My System - My trades.

Good Evening Sir
Today 4 trades sir..1 long 2R, second short 6R , 3rd long-6R & 4 long 1R on closing..
As I told yesterdy, after yesterday kind of sideways, a violent move follows in 1 or 2 dys
Thanks a lot for OBV concept..Now I have confidence to hold my trades & Art of putting small sl
Thanks a lot & regards
NT bhai, please post your chart with trades market. Will be very helpful:thumb:

Also if possible your interpretation at the time of taking trades.
Good Evening Sir
Today 4 trades sir..1 long 2R, second short 6R , 3rd long-6R & 4 long 1R on closing..
As I told yesterdy, after yesterday kind of sideways, a violent move follows in 1 or 2 dys
Thanks a lot for OBV concept..Now I have confidence to hold my trades & Art of putting small sl
Thanks a lot & regards
Nt Bhai can you share your thought process during the trades what's the reason behind will be beneficial for all of us..

Thanks and regards
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bhai you are using all 5 ribbons? :confused:
AJA JI Look at the 3 OBV ribbons (15/30 and 60) with context with the OBV line and you yourself would realise the importance of all 3. 15 period initiates a trend (as it is the first to react to OBV change) 30 period gives confidence for the trade and 60 period more or less cements the trade. Just look at the OBV line and observe the change in colours. You would get your answers. First understand the concept and everything would fall into place.

this is my yesterdy post..We can never have holy grail..every concept/system has its own loosing days also..
Risk reward & probabilty in your favour is a holy grail..Obv Gives you that..
We dont need NEWS to TRADE..But our charts can tell the future OBV was telling yesterday closing..& same story its telling on today closing..

Varun Sir,In BNF, 1 min chart, at 1:20 Candel, OBV crosses zero line & comes into positive zone..& same hppens around 3:25 candel also..Is this same happening in your charts..whats its it crosses zero line not so often ..?
NT ji congratulations on your great trades today. As far as OBV values coming to zero today, well just check up with your data vendor as in my charts which appear to be correct the OBV value ranged between 3.8million contracts to 4.4 million contracts. As OBV gives a cumulative value it should be in this region only. God forbid if it were to fall to zero BN would be about 3000 points down from current levels.

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