My System - My trades.

Just trying to explain to people how this OBV concept works and why does it lead price. Reliance was in a band of 800-1150 for 8 years. When the bigboys (the fii/dii/ hni) decided to buy it they did not wait for 1150 to cross, in fact their action (buying) caused it to cross 1150 and then people like you and me jumped in. So what made this levels breach. Volumes. so what came first, the level or the volumes. If the big boys had waited for the level to breach, who would have breached it. You and me. If still people feel that i am wrong, so let me be wrong. If i am happy and profitable being wrong why be right.


Well-Known Member
There is very less premium in options at the start of the week. 21500 call just has a Rs.50 premium over spot. I am going short positionally in BN with a hedge of this call. My max risk would be this premium of Rs.50. But looking at the absence of premium we may go sideways in this expiry. Let me take a chance.
Varunji Can you please explain this trade ?
Varunji Can you please explain this trade ?
Manoj ji the spot was 21600 at this time and the 21500 call was available at around Rs.150 (SO Rs.100 as intrinsic value and Rs.50 as premium). The Bank nifty future was at almost par with the spot rate since my view was of positional nature (i was targetting 300-500 points by thursday) i chose this method where i knew my risk and i could sleep soundly even if the position had gone against me. I had decided to wait till expiry/yesterday's OBV high being breached or my targets being achieved. At todays low i made close to 200 points in BN and lost about 75 points in 21500CE. So a net profit of 125 points per pair. I have sold 10 21000 PE and 10 21700 CE both at an average price of 25 to bring down my cost of acquisition of Calls by Rs.50 each. Sounds complicated.


Well-Known Member

Varun ji this is similar case to banknifty future. Here also obv closed below PDC line. So when should we cut our short position in this case ?

Its yesterdays price high or obv's high which when breaks we have to cut the short trade ?

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