My System - My trades.


Well-Known Member
hello mr r u....sir, can u study hindalco charts and advice me ...
i have bought hindalco 195 call at 2.70, reason to buy call is:...divergence in price and OBV i.e. there is continous decline in price from 192+ to 181 (till today) along with constant increase in OBV value....pls correct me if i m wrong.
thanks in anticipation sir...


Well-Known Member
so Divergence did the trick
Varunji what I feel crude listens to divergence more than anything else :) ..... Today Tuna bhai got loss due to divergence earlier which he saw later....

So now I am planning to enter crude only when I see divergence :)


Well-Known Member
Good Evening Varun Sir
Thanks for all the knowledge you have shared with us.
Could you please tell how many kind of Divergence should we look for in crude? I meant what kind of divergence should we prefer?
Price makes higher high but obv is making lower high..then market will go down..this is most clear divergence..what other kind of divergence can we see in crude?
please put insight on it

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