
Well-Known Member
^ ranger

You started to speculate what/how you will behave after reading those books as you speculate market. Better don't speculate in this case... :)

Read few of the books mentioned, and if you find it interesting, go ahead and read as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
^ ranger

You started to speculate what/how you will behave after reading those books as you speculate market. Better don't speculate in this case... :)

Read few of the books mentioned, and if you find it interesting, go ahead and read as much as possible.
No sir, I am not at all speculate on this thing. What I means is just like self medicine is harmful in the same way reading anything or everything can do harm to us. As no single traders is same as the other, many books may not suit all the traders. Hence if we read it all, we may get more confused. A specialist doctor can only subsricibe to the medicine depending on the pateient and in same way we should also give same treatment to books and other thing we read or listen. Atleast this is my thinking and I feel that what only that suite me wether a book or anything else I will follow only after testing it.

Thank you.
No sir, I am not at all speculate on this thing. What I means is just like self medicine is harmful in the same way reading anything or everything can do harm to us. As no single traders is same as the other, many books may not suit all the traders. Hence if we read it all, we may get more confused. A specialist doctor can only subsricibe to the medicine depending on the pateient and in same way we should also give same treatment to books and other thing we read or listen. Atleast this is my thinking and I feel that what only that suite me wether a book or anything else I will follow only after testing it.

Thank you.
Dear Ranger

There is a difference between GURU and BOOK. You follow GURU on whatever he says and you don't listen to anybody else (There are some forums/chat rooms, some paid/some free, where such GURU's exist). In that case what you said is mostly right. If you are following a GURU and also listening to Others confusion is bound to occur.
I do not believe in SPOON FEEDING, thus I loathe such a concept.

Coming to Books, there is bound to be different opinions according to style of trading (Jobbing vs Range Day trading vs Trend Day Trading vs Swing Trading vs position trading), also according to risk apetite (aggresive vs moderate vs conservative), also in different time frames. Thus you need to know What category you fall into and then go by the advice. If you are a Day trader and follow a swing trading guidelines religiously I am afraid you may end up not very happy.

Also please bear in mind trading is not a binary work (0|1), it's a lot of fuzzy logic, Aren't you amaze by the Market Dynamics, that when you are buying a stock you believe it is going up and the person who is selling you belives it is going down (you know only one can be right , BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT BOTH CANNOT MAKE MONEY).

Personally I have been a bibliophile and love reading books. If you read classics and some great books, they will open your horizon of thought, they will show you more ways into freedom.

If you also do not believe in blindly following GURU's then go ahead and read the books i have mentioned, believe me you will be a much better trader (in terms of judgement and rationale) after reading them. How much money you will make will eventually be decided by your Behavior Modification after gainng knowledge.

P.S: All these books are available in PDF format and infact some in podcast also. If you can't find it then PM me your email address, i will be more than happy to forward it.


Well-Known Member
Dear Ranger

There is a difference between GURU and BOOK. You follow GURU....

.....How much money you will make will eventually be decided by your Behavior Modification after gainng knowledge.

P.S: All these books are available in PDF format and infact some in podcast also. If you can't find it then PM me your email address, i will be more than happy to forward it.
Thank you for explaing me nicely, I am also impress by the way you write and are able to transmit your message. I am not so good in english language as I have studied in local language in school. I hope you and other people here will consider my limitation and tolarate my posts. I have learn and have come upto this level to interact with others in english which is my achievement.

I trust you and take your guidance and advice. Only my nature has been that do what suites me and reject every things else. So I was giving my thoghuts.

Thank you
Thank you for explaing me nicely, I am also impress by the way you write and are able to transmit your message. I am not so good in english language as I have studied in local language in school. I hope you and other people here will consider my limitation and tolarate my posts. I have learn and have come upto this level to interact with others in english which is my achievement.

I trust you and take your guidance and advice. Only my nature has been that do what suites me and reject every things else. So I was giving my thoghuts.

Thank you
Come on, your english is good.
Good to hear that you are self-taught. I love autodidacts.

So, which book are you starting first ? My advice Market Wizards : Interview of Great traders.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for explaing me nicely, I am also impress by the way you write and are able to transmit your message. I am not so good in english language as I have studied in local language in school. I hope you and other people here will consider my limitation and tolarate my posts. I have learn and have come upto this level to interact with others in english which is my achievement.

I trust you and take your guidance and advice. Only my nature has been that do what suites me and reject every things else. So I was giving my thoghuts.

Thank you
Dear Ranger,

I have gut that you may develop into a successful trader. I don't know why but just sensing it somehow. The most important thing I think is you are very open to ideas and always ready to adapt to change. This is a great trait indeed for a trader atleast.

My best wishes to you.

Dear Aaditya,

You are forerunning my thoughts almost all the times and I have no option but to subscribe to them as if they are mine. Best wishes to you too for being active here and helping one and all. Good show!!!

Dear Ranger,

I have gut that you may develop into a successful trader. I don't know why but just sensing it somehow. The most important thing I think is you are very open to ideas and always ready to adapt to change. This is a great trait indeed for a trader atleast.

My best wishes to you.

Dear Aaditya,

You are forerunning my thoughts almost all the times and I have no option but to subscribe to them as if they are mine. Best wishes to you too for being active here and helping one and all. Good show!!!

Dear tnsn,
Regarding your views on Sanjay, i second that.

Glad to know that your thoughts are alike to mine.

There is no greater happiness than seeing someone being motivated. I have gained a lot reading posts of Saint, ST, Savant, AW10, LinkOn, TFL, Columbus, Raunak, Vikas, (and many more) that I am more than happy to give a little of it in return. But i wish Saint were still here but now he has his own forum :-(

Wish you too on your trading !


Well-Known Member
Dear Ranger,

I have gut that you may develop into a successful trader. I don't know why but just sensing it somehow. The most important thing I think is you are very open to ideas and always ready to adapt to change. This is a great trait indeed for a trader atleast.

My best wishes to you.
Dear Tnsn Sir, I am very happy to see that you observing my posts and have given a favorable comments. I am still learning in this business and after have loss my funds early I has now started doing steady fine, I has noted mistakes I made and try to see that I do not make it again. But some times I comit it again. I make a note down of everything in my diary I do in trading in the day and check it at week ends. This is my diary which is the best book I have with me at present. I read this diary every day and specailly during week ends. So I am learning from myself only. This has help me lot.

Now I am following Aaditya sir advice and will read other books he has told. Also you are agree with Aaditya sir very much so I have now full confidence in you both senior traders.

Thank you very much for your guidance.

Best luck, thank you.

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