
What i see here is trading intra day or jobbing its all about how you do it. Everybody has a mental outlook like a blueprint of what they have learnt and what they will implement while trading. Because once the market starts and numbers start rolling on the screen 80% of the brain is occupied to search through an oppertuinty of entry & then exit now everything gets mixed here ones knowledge,pre analysis,pre outlook,news & intution. Trading or jobbing its a natural process which goes on with adding skills and honing sharpening the skills it goes on never stops its a life long process. So what i Trader is born as a trader and dies as a trader and is always a trader its all about how ones do it...after all experience is the biggest teacher and a great mentor

So I always had a sense of respect for traders & Jobbers and because of there approch towards there profession that respect will always remain.

so if somebody ask me whats trading for reply will be simple

Trading....Thats part of life part of me..
Warm Regards to all
Thanks Tnsn2345, that was a great piece of writing and a great Learning for all of us.

What about profit booking ? I would love to know your, sanjay's, alroyraj's and anurag's Profit Booking Strategy.
I believe this is where experience makes it different, as its more ART than LOGIC (or SYSTEM). Infact Even Saint uses more discretionary while booking profit. May be after day's day's of Retrospection on Trades, we finally get the "Sweet Spot".

Mine's strategy is to book some on first sign of weakness
(as i find many a times this is a critical pivot), then some on failure of pullback/rally and then I delibrately leave some part till the END or Breakeven just to ride the trend to maximum.
Especailly most of my trades are NOT SAR, it becomes even more discretionary.
I think this is the main point to master, how to book profits...and another complicated thing is where ( at which point) to add in the dont want to add in the winning trade , just to see the trade reverse....
everybody has two types of trade only..
one type is wrong you can exit 1) through SL, 2) before SL hit, or 3) not exit by hoping that trade will move in your favour and in the process averaging at lower levels..the first two exit methods will keep your losses small, but the third method of averaging will kill you in the long run..because the loosing trade may move once in a while in your favour but most of the times it will force you to accept large losses, which quickly eat your trading capital. and most of times traders try to average...because no one wants to accept defeat or take losses, its human tendency..

second type of trade is winning trade moves in your direction..what most of the traders do the first sign of reversing traders exit by pocketing their profit by moving trailing SL...only to see trade again reversed and goes higher and higher and higher or as may be the case...oh my GOD..itna mil jaata..haath se nikal gaya...mood kharab ho next time you again in this you book profit only @ 50 % at the first sign of reversing, and what happens, the trade is going down the drain..and your next 50 % position will be either in very small profit or breakeven or in the red ...dragging overall trade in red... oh my GOD...isse accha toh pehle hi 100 % profit le lete..jitna mil raha tha theek toh tha..jyada ke chakkar mein aadha bhi gaya...

therefore those traders who master the art of booking maximum profit ie not run with small profit, they survive the longest run. My hats off to those traders. Everbody has some lossing trades, some winning trades. but those traders will survive only who take losses small and ride their winners till the end. but generally traders mentality is just opposite, they quickly take profits early (baad mein yeh bhi nahin milega mentality)..and take losses big (dont want to accept they just entered in a wrong trade , kabhi toh upper jayege mentality).

so only two rules to remember in trading ( but how many master these ?)
1) take your losses small - exit from your wrong trades quikly.
2) ride your winners - take maximum juice out of your winners.


Well-Known Member
Sounds logical, but more than answering how? more importantly, should you allow your winners to ride or wait for maximum possible profit?

I did not understand your question. pls clarify.
...there are a lot of guys around who feel that all price movement is random.I also subscribe to the same school of thought.I beleive that all price movement is random with a few trends thrown in....
What about profit booking ? I would love to know your, sanjay's, alroyraj's and anurag's Profit Booking Strategy.
I believe this is where experience makes it different, as its more ART than LOGIC (or SYSTEM). Infact Even Saint uses more discretionary while booking profit. May be after day's day's of Retrospection on Trades, we finally get the "Sweet Spot"....
Dear Friends,

To me there is no iota of doubt that will allow me to ride my winners / to take maximum profit possible. I will not earn any thing free in the market.

And this is not the egoistic me which is saying this but the years of experience in this area. But for the simple reason as we hold on the habit of letting our winners ride (due to reasons other than our method/thought) we may also do the same with our losers. When you leave riding your winners to the market you are 'subconsiously learning' speculating. Today you have allowed your winner to ride, the same 'habit' will one day (just one day or just one trade) ride your loser to the place where you started or beyond that. So it's again 2-1-1+3-2+1-1+3-2+6-2+1-5....and it gets you nowhere.


In the randomness of the market there are times when you will have trends when you "KNOW" what will happen next. This is the only time to trade. There is no speculation here. When this trend/pattern gives away to randomness, it's TIME TO EXIT. Effectively you are in the market only at the start (or just after start) and are out (just before end) or at the end of the logical move that the trend / pattern is 'most certainly' likely to exhibit.

I can vouch that you can make lots and lots of money by being observant of the market most of the times, staying out of the market most of the times and in it only for a small period - when there is 'CERTAINITY' of the outcome.

Staying Out = Money 'Earned' (the simple old definition : 'money saved is money earned')

Coming to my style, I have had written broadly in another thread "Thoughts on Risk Management" which I am pasting here for your reference.


I would like to explain in very simple terms and easy to understand by pro and novice et al.

Step I:

1) Decide on Portfolio Allocation: Portfolio allocation starts with defining Financial Objectives : How much money you would need and when? Your assets, liabilities, income and expenditure. This is a different subject altogether but still ultimately one (even a trader) has to start here.

(a) Variable (positive / negative): Equity, Real estate, Gold, F&O (Directional positions)
(b) Variable (positive but unsteady returns) : F&O (multilegged strategies primarily using Options)
(c) Fixed (positive) : FDs, NSCs, PPF etc

2) Decide on time frame to adjust Protfolio Allocation : Could be quarterly, half yearly or yearly. Depending on your portfolio performance, income from other sources/job/inheritance etc

Step II: Here I am zeroing on the aggressive part of portfolio allocation - Trading in Options:

1) Risk = Uncertainty of DESIRED outcome
2) Desired Outcome = (a) + (b)
(a) Primary Desired Outcome = For position taken at Time T0, price CHANGES in favour of position taken at Time T1
(b) Secondary Desired Outcome = MAGNITUDE of price change from P0 (at Time T0) to P1 (at Time T1)

Hence at Time T0 and Price P0, we need to define both, T1 and P1.

For a one market, one instrument, one trading plan trader (like me) T1 is sacrosant (FIXED), P1 is the only variable.

P1 is defined before trade initiation. P1 is defined both for positive outcome and for negative outcome.

Eg If I am buying Nifty Options @ time Time T0 at price P0 (Rs. 100), and defined is P1 is Rs. 95 (worst drawdown) or Rs. 107 (best outcome), my Risk is Rs. 5. (Rs. 250 for one lot).

If my trading capital (which is PART of my Portfolio) is say 10 L and I decide to RISK 2% per trade (this % is decided at the end of each week for the next week depending on the performance in the week gone by. The range of Risk / trade is between 1% to 4%), then I would buy 80 lots of Nifty Options.

At time T1, the probable outcome of Option prices could be:

93 : Exit fully (2.8% loss of trading capital : 80 x 50 x (-7) = -28000)
95 : Exit fully (2% loss of trading capital : 80 x 50 x (-5) = -20000)
97 : Exit fully (1.2% loss of trading capital : 80 x 50 x (-3) = -12000)
100: Exit fully (0% loss of trading capital : 80 x 50 x 0 = 0)
103: Exit 75% (0.9% profit to trading capital : 60 x 50 x (+3) = +9000)
106: Exit 50% (1.2% profit to trading capital : 40 x 50 x (+6) = + 12000)
109: Exit 25% (0.9% profit to trading capital : 20 x 50 X (+9) = +9000)

You would notice that if the price at Time T1 is less than 100 I exit fully and on some occasions the loss could be higher then anticipated 2% in this case if I exit at 93. But this margin of error in my risk management is acceptable since I exit at Time T1.

Secondly you would notice that at price levels > 100 (i.e. 103, 106, 109) I have partially exited. But these exit % are NOT RANDOM.

If the price is > 100 at Time T1, then this T1 becomes new T0 and the current price say 103 become new P0. From here I would again calculate new P1 (both worst drawdown and best outcome scenario) and accordingly adjust the quantity.

Step III: Later today/tomorrow...:



Step III:

Treat your profitable trade and non-profitable trades seperately. The MOMENT I close my profitable trade, the profit made on the trade flies off out of my trading capital account and rests in a different account which is my Variable - steady profit funding account, where I use multilegged Options strategy with low risk and average returns as the time frame used in these strategies is quite larger (almost 2 to 3 weeks or sometimes till near month expiry). Most common strategy is Covered Call, which may be covered in detail in some thread on this forum. Also sometimes, strangle or straddle or simply deep OTM call/put writing, depending on the market condition. HOWEVER here too, my RISK management techinique is quite similiar to the one mentioned in step II of trading naked options. i.e. P0 at T0 and defining P1 at T1. i.e. fundamentally though the strategy has changed as the funds are from different account, but RISK management is still the same.

Now as I keep withdrawing the profits from my trading capital account, and continue trading eventually my trading capital would tend to cease some point of time as there are some loss making trades which eats the trading capital. Yes this is what could happen eventually, hence with each passing period, my trade size reduces as my trading capital reduces. Though my Trading capital could tend to be zero it doesn't happen, WHY?

Because, remember adjustment in Portfolio Allocation (Step I), which I do every calendar quarter end. Hence basically I have to live with my trading capital for a period of 3 months, the better I trade I get more quantity to trade and then quantity decreases gradually. Profits keep going out.

When Portfolio Allocation adjustment happens at the quarter end, Trading Capital is top-uped up STRICLY on the basis of trading performance in the last quarter, hence if I started with 10 L trading capital which was reduced to 5L in three months and has generated profit of 8 L then I may be entitled to top up to 10 L or even higher depending on my overall Portfolio performance in the quarter gone by. Alternatively instead of 8 Lacs if the profit generated was 4 Lacs, then my trading capital can be top-uped to a max of 9 L it could be generally be lower viz, 8 L or 7 L as performance was NOT ACCEPTABLE.

At the quarter end review and portfolio allocation adjustment, majority of the incremental profits generated by Trading, Variable (steady profit) strategy are allocated another account which funds conservative investment account. The investment made through this account essentially follow simple 100 days / 200 days moving averages which are held for longer period of time.

STEP V: The most important….will follow later today.




Why do we do all this? i.e. trading, portfolio allocation, risk management etc. Do we want to grow our wealth to Eternity and leave it for someone after we are gone. NO.

I am working as a portfolio manager (or better still - a hedge fund manger) then I should be paid for my services. This is what precisely I do when I levy PMS charges every quarter end and take out that amount from the Portfolio to my 'personal account' for my personal consumption. The charges I levy are similar to any PMS charges which includes, fixed and performance linked payouts over a hurdle rate of return every quarter.

p.s. :

1) To maintain simplicity here I have not covered Portfolio performance parameters, weekly volatility (standard deviation) of portfolio etc. These are the parameters against which I evaluate my performance every month and do course correction. My remuneration is linked to some of these parameters.
2) All the above mentioned steps of Portfolio and trade management are documented in black and white for reference and remove conflict of interest.
3) For all different strategies and aspect of my wealth management, I have given them names and there are really funny names which makes it very easy to implement them.
4) As all actions (tradewise) are documented. I conduct a monthly audit of these documents and for actions inappropriate or outside the defined parameters of my scheme of managment, penalties are imposed, which include ban from trading for a period, cut in remuneration etc.

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Well-Known Member
Sir, I learnt much from your thinking and method but I think that stop loss is very much important to exit from trade. I always exit my position by setting tailing stop loss orders only. I am not very old in trading carrier but I am in learning phase and I am planning to make full time carrier in this line if I make succuss. Your thinking on stop loss is very different then my and fellows who are in this line. How has your success in this line and how you evalue your performance if you not use stop loss then.

Thanks to you and best luck.
Dear Ranger,

As I am not selling anything here, will not comment on absolute performance - in terms of success rates and magnitude of those successess. What I have put here are the concepts of my trading style, which has only helped me do better and better.



Well-Known Member
I think this is the main point to master, how to book profits...and another complicated thing is where ( at which point) to add in the dont want to add in the winning trade , just to see the trade reverse....
everybody has two types of trade only..
one type is wrong you can exit 1) through SL, 2) before SL hit, or 3) not exit by hoping that trade will move in your favour and in the process averaging at lower levels..the first two exit methods will keep your losses small, but the third method of averaging will kill you in the long run..because the loosing trade may move once in a while in your favour but most of the times it will force you to accept large losses, which quickly eat your trading capital. and most of times traders try to average...because no one wants to accept defeat or take losses, its human tendency..
second type of trade is winning trade moves in your direction..what most of the traders do the first sign of reversing traders exit by pocketing their profit by moving trailing SL...only to see trade again reversed and goes higher and higher and higher or as may be the case...oh my GOD..itna mil jaata..haath se nikal gaya...mood kharab ho next time you again in this you book profit only @ 50 % at the first sign of reversing, and what happens, the trade is going down the drain..and your next 50 % position will be either in very small profit or breakeven or in the red ...dragging overall trade in red... oh my GOD...isse accha toh pehle hi 100 % profit le lete..jitna mil raha tha theek toh tha..jyada ke chakkar mein aadha bhi gaya...

therefore those traders who master the art of booking maximum profit ie not run with small profit, they survive the longest run. My hats off to those traders. Everbody has some lossing trades, some winning trades. but those traders will survive only who take losses small and ride their winners till the end. but generally traders mentality is just opposite, they quickly take profits early (baad mein yeh bhi nahin milega mentality)..and take losses big (dont want to accept they just entered in a wrong trade , kabhi toh upper jayege mentality).

so only two rules to remember in trading ( but how many master these ?)
1) take your losses small - exit from your wrong trades quikly.
2) ride your winners - take maximum juice out of your winners
Dear M'rider,

...because no one wants to accept defeat or take losses, its human tendency...
Simply be inhumane (and I am not joking) because the market is. This is what detached trading is all about. Be ruthless with the outcome of your trades be it profit or loss, you decide fast before market decides for you.

therefore those traders who master the art of booking maximum profit ie not run with small profit, they survive the longest run.
In my opinion they are speculators. I don't speculate. You said it right they may 'survive' (just survive) the longest. But this is the intermidiary state of a traders' life, what next? How does he evolve and grow?

2) ride your winners - take maximum juice out of your winners
Doesn't fit my scheme of thoughts 'now', so no intention of 'mastering' it. Because earlier when I wanted to do it, I mastered it but alongwith, I also mastered how to ride my losers, so effectively as you mentioned, I survived and survived, but just survived.


p.s. Kindly excuse me if my statements are bit blunt. But that's how trading life is.
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Well-Known Member
That was really a nice discussion about "Stop loss". Hats off you guys... :thumb:
I am now beign feeling more small in front of all you fellows traders with such great expereience. I am thinking that I am doing very good now and will make trading as carrier but what I do right now could not earn me money for my hole life. I am now feeling tense after reading posting from all experts sirs and do not nkow if I can become a succees trader.

Also I am in profit now and using my method very much good for 1 year period anwards, but today I feeling like I has lost my trading money fully and has to start from zero only. Please adivce me.

Thanks to all you and best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I am now beign feeling more small in front of all you fellows traders with such great expereience. I am thinking that I am doing very good now and will make trading as carrier but what I do right now could not earn me money for my hole life. I am now feeling tense after reading posting from all experts sirs and do not nkow if I can become a succees trader.

Also I am in profit now and using my method very much good for 1 year period anwards, but today I feeling like I has lost my trading money fully and has to start from zero only. Please adivce me.

Thanks to all you and best of luck.
hi Ranger
there is a saying 'dont try to mend what aint broke.' if something is working for u dont try to change it. u will create more confusion for urself.
I believe what I am doing is right but what Tnsn has said holds merit too and it has given me food for thought to reflect upon.
what I would advise u is just digest the information that u have received here and try to analyzie it whenever u are facing a problem while trading.
till such time, if u are happy with ur trading results, just keep on at it.




Well-Known Member
hi Ranger
there is a saying 'dont try to mend what aint broke.' if something is working for u dont try to change it. u will create more confusion for urself.
I believe what I am doing is right but what Tnsn has said holds merit too and it has given me food for thought to reflect upon.
what I would advise u is just digest the information that u have received here and try to analyzie it whenever u are facing a problem while trading.
till such time, if u are happy with ur trading results, just keep on at it.


Anurag sir, I also was feeling that I am doing right thing, but after Tnsn sirs posting and his strong words I am now very tense that I has to learn even much and much more in trading and if i was not able to learnt then I will not able to make this as full time carrier.

Now thanks you for your guidance, I will continew to trading in my style and try to use experts fellows guiance when I am old in this carrier.

Thank you

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