
Well-Known Member
I am now beign feeling more small in front of all you fellows traders with such great expereience. I am thinking that I am doing very good now and will make trading as carrier but what I do right now could not earn me money for my hole life. I am now feeling tense after reading posting from all experts sirs and do not nkow if I can become a succees trader.

Also I am in profit now and using my method very much good for 1 year period anwards, but today I feeling like I has lost my trading money fully and has to start from zero only. Please adivce me.

Thanks to all you and best of luck.
Dear Ranger,

First of all, I am extremely sorry to hurt your sentiments and have created anxiety in you. If you see my initial post and my assumptions before writing on this subject, I had mentioned that this discussion could be meaning full for traders who have had fair bit of experience in trading, including facing losses for 'extended period of times'. I don't know much about your background, but I guess and sincerely hope that sometime in future you would appreciate the discussions we all had here.

Please, please do not change anything that you are currently doing if your belief is strong and you are happy doing it. (Thanks Anurag for suggesting the same to him)

Ranger, you would remember I had written earlier that I have a gut that you may become a successful trader, I still stand by it.

Best wishes,



Well-Known Member
Thank you Alroyraj and tnsn sir for your great thinking. I now understand what you fellows think about good trading decision making. So the thing here is that if we start with a good trading decision we not has to depend on things like stop loss and if i learn that the trade is wrong i will come out quickly.

Thank you sir for new thinking given to me. I will take time to use it as it is opposite to my trading method.

Thank you and best luck
The thing I have learnt is that the entry usually has a bearing on where we put the stoploss.
Earlier in a effort to enter and not lose out on the move we enter the enter position in the stock in one shot. This is random since we cannot say if the trend has reversed.
Hence one famous trader advised to enter one third of the position to start. Thus when it moves around our buy price we can average it .In any case we have a lower exposure to that script.
By averaging with say 3 trades,it provides a buffer. On average the stop loss stop loss is better managed than by having a hard stop loss when entering at one shot.

Thanks Tnsn2345, that was a great piece of writing and a great Learning for all of us.

What about profit booking ? I would love to know your, sanjay's, alroyraj's and anurag's Profit Booking Strategy.
I believe this is where experience makes it different, as its more ART than LOGIC (or SYSTEM). Infact Even Saint uses more discretionary while booking profit. May be after day's day's of Retrospection on Trades, we finally get the "Sweet Spot".

Mine's strategy is to book some on first sign of weakness (as i find many a times this is a critical pivot), then some on failure of pullback/rally and then I delibrately leave some part till the END or Breakeven just to ride the trend to maximum.
Especailly most of my trades are NOT SAR, it becomes even more discretionary.
Exiting at the some weakness is a good strategy when the volumes fluctutate
viewed through ease of movement indicator falling below zero. Also when stocks open at a gap up,we cannot say when it will reverse ,take for example TCS,Mastek on friday. Also compared to beginning of july many stocks are already in an uptrend so when a minor pullback on price getting over stretched is very possible.

[QUOTE=anuragmunjal;453694]hi Aaditya

I do not book a profit on signs of weakness once the position has moved substantially in my favour, on the other hand I add to my position on such an occurence. of course I have a price in mind where I would get out of the total position if proven wrong.

I believe in this strategy while taking positional calls which when I have a target in mind, but in intraday I think it is relatively random and booking on weakness is better but on average entry.


Well-Known Member
The thing I have learnt is that the entry usually has a bearing on where we put the stoploss.
Earlier in a effort to enter and not lose out on the move we enter the enter position in the stock in one shot. This is random since we cannot say if the trend has reversed.
Hence one famous trader advised to enter one third of the position to start. Thus when it moves around our buy price we can average it .In any case we have a lower exposure to that script.
By averaging with say 3 trades,it provides a buffer. On average the stop loss stop loss is better managed than by having a hard stop loss when entering at one shot.
Alroyraj sir, I enter only full at one time and then putting stop loss immediately. Sometimes I change my stop loss downwards if I think that my originally decison was still right one.

Beause of non liveraging I can hold on the position longer time also if I think that I am still right. But now a day I am trying to exit at Stop Loss only and not move it at all. To enter at one time only I can than focus only on Stop Loss management and if the position is in profit, I do tailing stop loss on that. I keep tailing stop loss of the full position and come out only when it is hit but now I am in profit, so I ride the winner. But some time due to my habit of moving my stop loss downward also, I will ride my loser (what Tnsn sir said). So even I think that I am doing good in the market for long period now I am not much in profit at all. I cannot run livinghoot with the money I make in the markets. So I plan to do leverageing in future, but I am afraid that by it my profit can go up but my loss can also go up. Early I has lost my capital because of this things only. So now I am at a point I don't know what to do in future time. But I will continuw with my style only for some more timings.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
^ Ranger

I guess now you are settled and have come out of the confusion. And ready to do what you were doing. I hope you have enough food for your thought for next few weeks to month. Better don't load yourself with so much things. Probably you would again get confused. Better chew this for a while...

I am just quoting from linkon's signature...
"Always do what you've always done, and you'll always get what you've always gotten".


Well-Known Member
^ Ranger

I guess now you are settled and have come out of the confusion. And ready to do what you were doing. I hope you have enough food for your thought for next few weeks to month. Better don't load yourself with so much things. Probably you would again get confused. Better chew this for a while...

I am just quoting from linkon's signature...
"Always do what you've always done, and you'll always get what you've always gotten".
Thank you sir for your support, my mind was getting confuse because of different directional thinking. But now I am not worry about my present styling of trading, but the future thing. Success fellows like tnsn sir are very very ahead who make me think that one has to keep on growing in style and keep growing one should not stop grow and learn.

When I feel that the last stop of jorney is close by all this has told me that the jorney has begin now only. Since I am in this mind, I has decided not to trading for 1 - 2 day, because I do trading only when my mind is cool and there is no trading or personal tension. Only when I am clear in my mind (I do not knew when it will happen to me) than only I will do trading.

Thanks to you and best luck.
Everyone please give me definition of successful trade according to you.
Too difficult to answer the same.

May be what kind of trade you desire would be easier to answer, something on likes of what Ranger123 has answered.

In my early days i believed Trading like battlefield where i would enter hit my traget and runway with the winning money (read gorilla warfare), there i considered being able to ambush and not getting trapped as Successful Trade, then realised that was fun but not business.
These days, i feel equally happy to exit the trade if not working on my side.

So, if i have to define successful trade, I would say where i can enter and exit at the positions i want (predetermined) (and exit could be with profit/loss). I hate sometimes (even on Intraday) , the price jumps (gaps) too far away from my position and I feel pain in exit (as this wasn't the level in my mind, and also it screws with my R:R).
Some of you may be wondering what about Stop loss (it gets hit, but since it is market order stop loss, i get the worst fill).

Also successful trade would be where I have time and judgement to add of pullbacks and rallies (what greater success than that) [but sadly sometimes (read often) the rally/pullback turns out to be Trend Reversal and sometimes no pullback/rally at all.
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Well-Known Member
Everyone please give me definition of successful trade according to you.

there can be 2 types of trades
1. winning trade
2. loosing trade

to me a winning trade does not necessarily mean a successful trade and a loosing trade does not necessarily mean an unsucessful trade.
a trade where I have followed my rules (whether it be winning or loosing) is to me a 'sucessful trade'.



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