New Intermed Uptrend!!

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Saint said:
VIZZIE!!!!!..........,great to have you back.......Perfect timing to take a break.

All's fine from this end,and hope the same on your end as well.

All the best!

Thx Saint,

God's grace.. I'm gr8 too..
So, what is the situation like..
do we trade or sit on sidelines a little more..
am not 2 comfortable with a bounded mkt like this..
seems like 3050-3200 all the while..

What shdl be the strategy in a mkt like this?

Will luv 2 hv ur views as always,

n u shall see much more of me now.. :)

vikasdewan said:
Hi Saint,
Does the Teledata chart formation look like an uptrend is about to start?
Hi Vikas,

I have been getting this question on Teledata from different people at different times over the last that point,at 40,then at 28's,then 20,now it's at 10!!

Same answer:Stay clear........TELEDATA is still in a downtrend,and this can go on.So don't try to predict and crystal ballgaze on this one.It's a falling knife.....let it fall,look elsewhere.

vikasdewan said:
Dear Saint,
Thanks. When would we say that it has broken out of its downtrend?


Only once it can show some strength,and reach 30......if that happens,it could be starting a possible uptrend.For now,do nothing....

NSE AT 3087.....careful on your longs if it breaks through 3056.Once cracked,whether it forms a higher pivot low or lower lows is anybody's guess.This word of caution is for the shorter to intermed term traders only.......think the longer term traders have not exactly reentered after that fall in May.

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