Nifty Future 5min Ambush Style-Live

add triggered above the horizontal line..

(m unable to upload chart.. my quota 4 attachments is nearly consumed..)

by the meantime..

add triggered again..

went long on the breakout of the downward trendline.. then added above the horizontal line.. this horizontal line is the line passing through yesterday's 11:20 to 11:40 lows..

trailing stop loss moved 2 10:45 low - filter.
trailing stop loss moved to 10:50 low - filter.

ankit, harsh, hem, wat r ur positions??
I think its safer to stay on previous SL as there's no much difference between them. But sometimes a single point can also drag us into wrong trade.
rite.. but since 4480 was providing strong resistance, i wanted not 2 miss da profit but in da same time 2 remain in da trade as long as possible.. seems my decision was rite here.. nifty breached 4480 twice but couldn't sustain it..

now m waiting for 4480 to breach will go long again..
the chart is taking interesting shape now.. highly congested and dat too in the range of around 15 points.. a breakout on any direction either up or down will b profitable 2 trade i guess.. :)
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