Nifty Option's trading.... Earn regardless of where the market goes !!

*For the month of September...

Buy 100 4600 Put @ 285
Sell 200 4300 Put @ 135(i.e you get 135*2=270)

Buy 100 4100 Put @ 75
Sell 200 3900 Put @ 37(37*2 = 75 approx)

Total Investment = 1500 Rs

Also Sell 200 4600 Calls @ 65
& Sell 200 4200 Puts @ 100

Total Received = 33,000

Net Received = 30,000
Dear Mr Arnav
Thanks for given your strategy... I m new in option treading,,i have some query's
1. how u can calculate a rang of strick prices.
2. I think your strategy for bullies market. If market is bearish which strategy i can apply.


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