Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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...This needs to stop somewhere.....Why? Because all the money being pulled out of the market needs to come back into the market. Simply there is no other source of investment which can absorb so much money.
You are right . It has to stop some where. After such a steep fall, a small correction rally is expected.

everybody is hoping for a Bull Rally this since Jan.

Every Sunday People hope Market is going to rocket in coming week by giving same views again and again.

Does it hurt to make money by shorting ? But don't forget we are in bear Market here.


Well-Known Member
...This needs to stop somewhere.....Why? Because all the money being pulled out of the market needs to come back into the market. Simply there is no other source of investment which can absorb so much money.

Equity market is miniscule compared to commodities market which in turn is nowhere in front of Forex market...
E1 , I think Gold can be a short term alternative, But in the long term money will have come back to equities, nowhere else to go. Most of the money being withdrawn from the European and American markets can come to our side, Only if our political scenario becomes stable. :)
India 's political scenario will never improve. there are much better economies than our's to put money.

anyways prepare a shopping list buddy. start accumulating stocks of your choice in small quantities.

if you trade in futures , don't go long so soon. some more blood path is expected. more correction which can be time based also.

stay with strong sectors they will bounce first. Also Watch for stocks which are getting beaten to death for small/no reason.


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Only ray of hope is, banks are not falling that fast.


Well-Known Member
loud laughter, nanada.


Well-Known Member
ST, I couldn't wait. Went long on nifty at 5111! Just squared off! :)
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