Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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Well-Known Member
we are at month low... and market decides to go flat...!

bulls dont like to buy and bears dont like to initiate sell...!

Ab tomorrow's gap will decide where we will go flat again...!
NF needs to take out 5163 and then 5171 decisively to start any uptrend.....till then it is sideways with negative bias....

NF never closed above 5163 in 5 min charts .....and sideways zone was cracked.....:)



Well-Known Member
no...! I am playing farmville...!

Bot 5100 put and 5200 call and placed stop loss at 50 for each leg...! whichever survives... will ghave a tgt of 90-93...!
5200 call hit sl...!

added 5000 put short at 41...!

now holding 5100-5000 spread....!


Well-Known Member

the gap between wap and CMp is again > 35...!
The market finally closed with gap between NF and VWAP of over 60 pays to know which side is getting squeezed and position ourselves opposite to that.....the bulls really got squeezed till the end today....we just say ...thank you markets.....



Well-Known Member
5200 call hit sl...!

added 5000 put short at 41...!

now holding 5100-5000 spread....!
This is the kind of strategy we have to use!
Thank you linkon bhai..
[ I know it is a strangle 5100CE-5200PE . Both are OTM.. Then when nifty came below 5100..5100CE became ITM .. Delta Increase, gamma increase]

But why did you add 5000PE short ?? Hedging?


Well-Known Member
This is the kind of strategy we have to use!
Thank you linkon bhai..
[ I know it is a strangle 5100CE-5200PE . Both are OTM.. Then when nifty came below 5100..5100CE became ITM .. Delta Increase, gamma increase]

But why did you add 5000PE short ?? Hedging?
5100-5200 pair cost me 109,

i exited 5200 call at 50,

cost of 5100 put was 109-50 = 59

when 5100 put touched 79... I had 20 points in profit on the table.. so had to lock it by shorting 5000 put at 41

cmp of this 5100 put - 5000 put spread = 96-51 = 45
My cost of this 5100 put - 5000 put spread = 59-41 = 18

I can ride this trade for few days... without risk of loosing much...!
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