Nifty : Real time discussions...!

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Well-Known Member
Those interested in testing their trading personalities
nice...! took the test...!

this is the result i got :

You tend to be decisive and to the point. You can spot logical inefficiencies in the market easily and take advantage of them, especially if you are pointed in the right direction. You enjoy long-term planning and goal setting and seem to enjoy learning, expanding your knowledge and staying well-informed.

One of Your Trading Strengths - You could probably generate a trading business plan and trading systems quite easily and naturally.

One of Your Trading Challenges - You may not honor your stops because you want to be right about your trades.


Well-Known Member
here comes my result:

You are flexible and able to improvise when needed. You are able to make connections between events and the information to which you are exposed and then make quick decisions. You have the initiative to start ideas and projects and can usually succeed in any endeavor that interests you.

One of Your Trading Strengths - You can trade a new system easily and comfortably using real money and small position sizing.

One of Your Trading Challenges - Because you get excited about new things, and like to share often, you can get distracted from that which already works


Active Member
Those interested in testing their trading personalities
This is the test for me.........

You are an Innovative Trader.

You are adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Your goal is to understand the world, constantly absorbing new information that comes your way. You then process all of this through your intuition to size up what is going on around you quickly.

One of Your Trading Strengths - You like the challenge of sorting out market conditions and seeing where you fit and can be competitive in the markets.

One of Your Trading Challenges - You may find yourself making emotional decisions when under stress (with dramatic consequences).


Well-Known Member
My pair price of sell CE 5400 and sell PE5400 is Rs. 145.90

At now time, the price of pair is Rs. 142.75 (CE = 77.00 and PE = 65.75)

Thank you.
I has added at 1:25 oclock (Sell) another 2 Lots of PE 5400 for Rs. 85.6 and 2 Lot of CE 5400 for Rs. 58.60

So this pair (2 Lots) sell price is 144.2

Total I has now 6 Lots sell of CE 5400 and PE 5400. Now the sell price of 6 Lots pair is Rs. 145.33 (not condiser broker charge)

Thank you.
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