"NOW YOU SEE ME" - The Secret Cult Kings of Trading


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Sir,
Although i had made-up my mind to follow only Marimuthu & Wisp Sir's suggestion & quit trading if won't work out but its ok I'l follow your suggested steps also but first let Me try Marimuthu & Wisp Sir's suggestions.
And which demo account would you prefer for NSE Futures trading, Please suggest.
Since you're keen on sticking, I can suggest a practice method for your price action method.
1. Move to Options.
2. Don't Short.
3. Go a bit deep in OTM, try scalping off few points.
4. Get a similar Put OTM and Call OTM and watch the see-saw action b/w them.
5. Scalp, don't hold else theta will run you down.

Advantage is you will need very less capital and that will inherently take care of your MM & RM.
Plus the volatility will improve your skills of fast acting price-action.

If you gain confidence, you can go back to Futures & MCX.


Well-Known Member
Sir, I do not think anyone offers demo trading account on Mt4 for NSE stock futures & i have tried NSE Pathshaala its very unreliable sometimes doesnt take profit target order & SL orders, that's why asked you, will try Bonanza did not know about it.
IMHO Basic requirements for a professional trader are software (ami, ninja or something) and good data. Consider it a well worth investment if you are serious about this profession . You are used to stop losses hitting, right? Why not consider these basics as one stop loss that is well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Dear Wisp Bhai,

I think its a case of mistaken identity :)

Anyway, was here long back on TJ.
Probably, 2008-2011, not active though.

Getting back into the markets.
the hat and the name sent me in a direction, sorry. Good to have you here nevertheless.
Hello Friends,
I have been trading for a long time without success, recently developed a new strategy & it works like a charm but I am still in loss, dnt seem to pinpoint where I am going wrong, its been a long hard working painful journey, I gave away my entire professional Life & sort of personal life too so I dnt want to quit it now when I am so near to achieve my life's only goal of being a professional trader.

Now lets come to this thread:
I truly believe that the strategy I am following is being followed by THE BIG BOYS(The Kings) of trading, I can see it from my eyes & feel it in successful trades, what I have found that Best Traders hunt in packs & take the same trades, they might be using different strategies but they definitely work on same level of collective Brain frequency.
In this thread i'l be posting my live trades in the hope that one of The Big Boys(TopGun, The King) might see me struggling with the right system but lacking a little bit so will have some sort of sympathy towards me & will pick me up & fine tune my silly mistakes & welcome me in the club just like in the movie..... "NOW YOU SEE ME"
I can be very useful for him/her as an assistant which will reduce his/her workload a little bit.
Will start it from today a new Month which is coincidentally my birthday Month.
How can you be an assistant of a proffetional trader.All traders are loners.
They work indipendantly.
IMHO Basic requirements for a professional trader are software (ami, ninja or something) and good data. Consider it a well worth investment if you are serious about this profession . You are used to stop losses hitting, right? Why not consider these basics as one stop loss that is well worth it.

Thanks a lot Wisp Sir,

Trading has changed because of you, I was using flawed data all this while and the height of stupidity is that i cross checked data only when i subscribed the data services from vendor, at that time i cross-checked the data quality from NSE Tame for 3 days to make sure that data was right and after that i never suspected the data quality after your post/suggestion i crossed checked it again that data is flawed, its not always flawed but sometimes there is small differences in high low & close and when i crossed checked all the loosing trades then i found that 40% of my losing trades were because of flawed data, what a stupidity, i wasted two years of my life just because of this flawed data.

But i guess it was all my destiny on the suggestion of muthu sir i met an astrologer who said that my time is going to change from this birthday, 14th of september was my birthday & time has definitely changed for good.

Thanks a lot Wisp Sir, i can't thank you enough you saved my life.
Now after all this i have a new situation in front of me,
I have been using only Mt4 for a long time so i am very much used to it, please suggest a good trading platform and data vendor.
Thanks a lot for all the help.


Well-Known Member
Now after all this i have a new situation in front of me,
I have been using only Mt4 for a long time so i am very much used to it, please suggest a good trading platform and data vendor.
Thanks a lot for all the help.
Amibroker with GFDL Data- Best

If needed free data go for KITE or PI of Zerodha or Sharekhan TT.


Active Member
Hi gone through your posts ..and it's good you corrected the flaws in data ..but I guess still a long way to go for u to understand or discover either the strategy ur following is nothing but one among thousand used by many traders or the strategy is some thing built with no basis ..how ever all the best for your success .. Now the important point ..u don't want big boys to see ur post and pick u as assistant ..infact you need some assistant who will follow your strategy and excute orders for you ..you may find many for cheap or close relative /friend do for you ..since you are sure strategy is perfect and only execution is problem just leave the execution Job to others

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