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Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Sharing Trading System / strategy on a Forum

The Challenge with most Trading Systems introduced in Forums/Chat Rooms . . .

Often generous traders like to share their trading systems in forums and chat rooms. In spite of their charitable efforts, this can be a laborious and frustrating endeavor – not only for the presenter, but the participants as well.

Most of the confusion is from inexperienced traders and our human tendency to make simple things complicated. Spend some time in the chat rooms and the trading system threads and you will notice the myriad of questions on basic elements of each system that have already been clearly defined and are generally uncomplicated. Even the simplest of instructions are met with the need for clarification to the extreme. What’s typically missing (in addition to knowledge and skill of thread participants) is the comprehensive understanding and explanation of Trade Plan Development.

Trade Plan Development is more than just a trading “system.” It encompasses a solid understanding of market structure, how to build and thoroughly back test a trading system, and training your trading mindset through trading psychology tools to control emotion and maintain discipline. The critical pieces missing in the chat rooms and forums are the models and methodologies to actually achieve each of these elements. Although most traders are aware of their existence, they do not have the knowledge, experience and/or skill to translate and/or teach these to other traders. If you don’t have the tools and training, you can change your mind 43 times within a 5M bar.

The system presented always works for the author because he developed and revised it to fit his personality. Trading systems rarely translate unilaterally to other traders. The ongoing evidence is in the litany of questions and misinterpretations regarding the execution of the simplest of systems and their rules. The fact is the system presenter can never provide all of the information or training required for any other trader to use any system successfully. The user must have the knowledge and experience to adapt the system to his individual proclivities.

The combination of inexperienced, as well as experienced traders attempting to clarify system rules can be exasperating for other forum and thread participants. The repetition of questions contributing to the unnecessary length of the threads is also vexing. Eventually, the experienced traders will lose interest and exit the thread; leaving the system author to spend his posts re-explaining the basics to the inexperienced or lazy traders that will not do the work or “pay their dues” to get up to speed (read the entire thread.) This is the endless cycle of forum threads; the enthusiasm and relevant content at the outset ends in boredom and redundancy as new traders enter near the middle and the end of the thread without having read the entire body of information. The presenter’s reward for sharing becomes diminished as the time commitment to maintain the thread increases. The author loses his zeal and slowly curtails his thread attentiveness. In spite of the initial interest and momentum, the sharing archetype eventually implodes from impatience and weariness.

This cycle is what professionals rely on. They know that that most of the traders in these forums and chat rooms are impatient – jumping from system to system (look at the thousands out there) and rarely, if ever, do the work or invest in a real trading education.

The fact is the trading system is irrelevant. The trader must know the totality of Trade Plan Development and create his/her own trading system. They may adapt an existing system to their individual personality, but still only after acquiring the knowledge and skill provided through a comprehensive trading education that incorporates the elements of complete Trade Plan Development. A proper Trade Plan Development education will teach the trader how to create and test their own system theories, build the belief in a profitable system, and consistently execute valid signals in a live market – all without requiring endorsement, judgment or confirmation from other traders or pundits.

There is no lack of generosity and good intent in the forums and chat rooms, but these are not the hotbeds for producing trading professionals. Although the presenter’s altruism is obvious, there still exists the fundamental deficiencies noted above; lack of a total Trade Plan Development approach along with traders seeking short cuts – a capricious mix at best.

There will be a small number of self-motivated exceptions that will succeed, but for the most part, 90-95% won’t get it and never will. The churn of wide-eyed newbies and struggling, losing traders will keep this cycle alive.

As much as I deride this milieu (the model, not the people,) I realize that this paradigm contributes to my earnings in a very direct way. It perpetuates the delusion that trading is an easy and fast way to make money and those that believe it are investing in the collective market pot from which I draw my income. For that I say thank you. You will keep funding the lifestyle of traders like me that follow rules and a solid trading plan.
I know this first hand because not long ago, I was in the thick of it – looking for quick answers from any and every source. I know everyone has to start somewhere, but along the way you will come to the realization that you can’t fake it any more. I finally made the decision to make real money trading and with that I had to make a real commitment.

If I can do it, so can you. You simply must decide to do it and then make it happen.


Well-Known Member
You nailed it GG. You say history is repeating itself, I say, its the wheel of Karma which has come a full circle. The British looted and pillaged the countries of its wealth thru East India Company (though have to give credit they did leave something behind of value - such as railways etc, be if for their own selfish motives)

I had read long back, and it struck me as immensely profound. The quote : The mills of Gods grind slowly, but grind exceeding small. It may take time for the wheel to turn, but in time, it takes one and all. (Mills analogy refers to the wheat being ground thru the windmills)

Payback time for the British started happening long back. My friend is a UK citizen, who is a multi-pound millionaire, who has left his business to professional managers and migrated to New Zealand. Reason? The economic and social decay. The decline started with the influx of immigrants, many without ethics who fleeced the social welfare system wholesale. (Payback time) People across the world, just had to enter Britan, tear up their passport and claim human right abuse to be granted asylum and social welfare. Then there was influx of 'professional refugees' who migrated there, and stayed in apartments costing the British tax-payers hundreds of thousands of pound per apartments. The result? The social system is getting bankrupt. Great Britan is in decline, and the UK citizens themselves are prefer migrating to other countries such as Spain, Dubai (atleast for residency), Portugal etc. living low cost, but on British pension. Many of these Brits I knew personally. (While working in the Gulf) If Scotland secedes from Britan, it will only accelerate the decline that had started much earlier. And the wheel of Karma would have turned a full circle on the benefactors of the East India Company.

Is it pay back time for British (Great Britain) ... How GBP is struck and struck very bad ...

British always believed and in Divide and Rule Strategy ... Is the History repeating on them NOW in the form of Scotland ????

It is big time catch 22 for them and Doom's day for them any way ....

GDP is not encouraging, consumer spending is coming down, Claimant count change (unemployment claims) is higher, Russia is threatening to ban imports from all Euro zone ... as a currency it is shrinking against all majors ... and If Scots decide to part ways tomorrow ... Ooopssss Hell hath no fury like this ...

Either the way .... GBP ... SOUTH ....

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Any Tax / Subsidy / Welfare Scheme / Public welfare is Dooms day in advance ... Will come for sure ... It is a matter of time ...

Any of these so called "PUBLIC" schemes are Legal ways to Rob Individuals off their legally earned wealth ... Taxing a working guy to pay for a non working guy ... What / which economic sense is this? Robbing a Deserving Individual to help them, who actually do not deserve it ...

Take Karnataka Govt for example ... They say that they do not have cash to pay for Primary School Teachers .. But still launch a Scheme for a Minority community women to MARRY (YOU READ IT RIGHT - TO MARRY) .....

And I, YOU and Our kind Individuals sweat our blood, scratch our a** to pay for all this ...

Shame on me ... Shame on you ... Shame on all Individuals who help this kind of .... do not know what to call if not "CRIME" / "SIN" ....


Well-Known Member
Yes, the same Karnataka Govt. which does not have money to pay for the school salaries, has 15 member delegation on a 21 day multi-country Europe tour. At whose cost? Earlier, there was a delegation from Goa, going for the Brazil world cup, to watch how to conduct 'football matches' Yes, they finally went, inspite of the uproar. (One guy dropped off) Another delegation had gone to Australia and New Zealand to 'study poverty' If they really wanted to, they only would have to go to their constituency. Also, Mumbai, Calcutta is not too far away..... Mayawati spent over thousand crore rupees for a garden with her statutes.... and who can forget from wikileaks, that a private plane had flow from UP to Mumbai and back, so as to carry her favourite pair of shoes.... Whose interest the MP's/MLA's have? If it was ours, India would have been far ahead of China, Singapore, Japan, who were at par with India at the time of independence. But hey, who cares?

PM Modi though is a ray of hope. But what some of his party men are doing, seems bewildering to say the least. A solid drubbing in UP polls should be the lesson that gets BJP back on course. Hopefully.

Take Karnataka Govt for example ... They say that they do not have cash to pay for Primary School Teachers .. But still launch a Scheme for a Minority community women to MARRY (YOU READ IT RIGHT - TO MARRY) .....

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Keenly awaiting EURO NEWS at 14.45 IST for Draghi's promised QE measure's launch ...to be launched over the next 6 - 8 weeks. If that happens EURO pairs will head North, at least for the time being ...

How much of Scotland referendum will hurt EURO ... Million dollar question ...

Meanwhile, strengthening USD is not at all a good NEWS for EURO ....

Are we out to watch "Clash of Titans" .... Time will only decide ....

Meanwhile NaMo is blowing all the right whistles ....

"Acche Din Aane Shuru Hogaye"

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Training Chart ... Fake Signals ...

After a Cross Over, if RED and GREEN lines head in different directions .... like a just fought couples just before bed time .... BEWARE ... More often than not, it is a Fakey ...

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