Pips in wheelbarrow - Trading FX profitably

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Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Today all important day with Red Hot NEWS pouring in from Euro @ 5.15 pm and ADP NFP from USA at 5.45 PM.
All indications are EURO will fall ... Short all EURO pairs .... With wider SL as even if EURO strengthens during NEWS, it can not escape the Down Trend. And if NEWS becomes -ve for EURO, it is wind fall for us.
Reverse is true for USD. Long on all USD pairs and Short Gold ....

"You Win some ... You Lose some ... Win so much more that losing does not hurt at all"

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member

Most indicators are trend trading systems. So, first (1) look if the trend exists and second (2) take only with-trend signals.

Your chart clearly shows downtrend (I don't know where are supports and resistances or trendline), now mark only with-trend entries and see how many times it failed.

I have backtested it on EURUSD and NIFTY. It is a successful strategy when traded with-trend.

Only GG will tell us if he expects to take trades against trend. If answer is yes, forget about this strategy.
I never trade counter trend trades, not just with this strategy ... With any strategy or TF or indicator/s for that matter. Trading against Trend, Trading pull back's or Retracements are never my peg of Scotch.

As i said earlier, when we keep getting 100+ Pips of A+++ set up's every 10 - 12 days, why should we worry about missed chances on counter trend trades?

Please cross check any major pair or cross pair. All of them will have a Trend Cycle of 20 - 26 days. That way, every other 25th or 30th day, You can always Drive a trend ... South or North ... Wheelbarrow of Pips.

I started this thread to show that itself ....

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Organise your charts in this way .....

EU, GU, EJ, AU ..... UsdChf, UJ, GJ and UsdCad

If, the first Four travel in one direction ... more often than not, THEY DO ... The second Four travel in the Opposite Direction ... Again more often than not, THEY DO ...
Observe the last four keenly in this ... The Candle Formation ... TDI pattern/s ... The Stoch Level/s etc ....
You will get my Point ... If you are Long on 1st 4, You can Short the 2nd 4 .... This is PIPSOLOGIES

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Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Trading Cross Pairs ... Profitably ....

A Cross Pair has Two currency Pairs. For example EuroJpy (EJ) has EuroUsd (EU) and UsdJpy (UJ).

If EU is UP and UJ is UP, EJ is strongly UP ....
If EU is down and UJ is down, EJ is strongly Down ...
If EU and UJ are heading in Opposite Direction, Trading EJ will be Injurious to the health of the Trading Account ....
And if either of EU or UJ do not have momentum or not moving, EJ will also not have any movement ....

Follow the above trading strategy for all the below mentioned Cross Pairs
Cross pair two pairs
GJ (GbpJpy) GbpUsd and UsdJpy
AJ (AudJpy) AudUsd and UsdJpy
CJ (CadJpy) UadCad and UsdJpy
ChfJpy UsdChf and UsdJpy
EC (EuroCad) EuroUsd and UsdCad
AC (AudCad) AudUsd and UsdCad
EA (EuroAud) EuroUsd and AudUsd
NJ (NzdJpy) NzdUsd and UsdJpy
GA (GbpAud) GbpUsd and Audusd
EG (EuroGbp) EuroUsd and GbpUsd
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@Galts Gulch Sir...I know Teacher's Day is tomorrow, but couldn't resist myself sending you this small note.

It has just been a few days that we have known each other, but you have always treated me like we have known each other forever. Since the very first day you have always extended your warmth and support without any selflessness. It is seldom that we come across a person like you, who is so humble and down to earth, so full of kindness and of such helping nature. Your philosophy for life is so simple yet brilliant, and your words, they have the power to motivate anyone.

With utmost respect, Sir, I want to say THANKS...its a small word, but within these letters are hidden my special feelings for you....You guided me when I was lost, supported me when I was weak....you have enlightened me...Thanks for your time, patience and for all the encouragement that you have given me....Thank you for trusting in me, mentoring me and inspiring me. Thank you for everything you do....You are more than a teacher to me...You have a special place in my heart....you are my guiding light....

You are one person I look up to, Sir, and would feel honoured and proud if I could ever imbibe in me the personality traits you possess and if I could ever become even a fraction of what you are.

Wish you all the Happiness and Best of Health...always!!

Happy Teacher's Day...

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
@Galts Gulch Sir...I know Teacher's Day is tomorrow, but couldn't resist myself sending you this small note.

It has just been a few days that we have known each other, but you have always treated me like we have known each other forever. Since the very first day you have always extended your warmth and support without any selflessness. It is seldom that we come across a person like you, who is so humble and down to earth, so full of kindness and of such helping nature. Your philosophy for life is so simple yet brilliant, and your words, they have the power to motivate anyone.

With utmost respect, Sir, I want to say THANKS...its a small word, but within these letters are hidden my special feelings for you....You guided me when I was lost, supported me when I was weak....you have enlightened me...Thanks for your time, patience and for all the encouragement that you have given me....Thank you for trusting in me, mentoring me and inspiring me. Thank you for everything you do....You are more than a teacher to me...You have a special place in my heart....you are my guiding light....

You are one person I look up to, Sir, and would feel honoured and proud if I could ever imbibe in me the personality traits you possess and if I could ever become even a fraction of what you are.

Wish you all the Happiness and Best of Health...always!!

Happy Teacher's Day...
I'm really honored with your gesture ....
But then ......

"If I'm here only for myself .... What am I here for .... If I'm only for others ... Who is there for me?"

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Few Things about this strategy / Set of Indicators ....
This is not a Holy Grain System ... There is NONE ...
It gives profits ... It gives loses as well ... Now and Then ... Here and There ....
When it gives a wrong signal, loss in very minimal ...
When it gives a Right signal, it is pips in Wheelbarrow ...
As with all other strategies / Indicators ... It is imperative that a respective trader knows basic things about trading and MT4
Candle formations, different types of candles, the stories that different candles convey, session timings, pull backs and retracements ... Trend and range ... double top and double bottom ... etc ....
It is not necessary that questions should be restricted to this strategy / indicators only.
Feel free to ask any doubt / question, however trivial it might be ...
Will try and answer to the best of my abilities .....

"No questions are stupid ... Answers can be"

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