Hi Linuxguy,
U r absolutely correct. I am trading with this system for the last 4 days. Experience is pathetic, to put it plain. Yes what you say is correct but after having couple of SLs triggered and having missed yesterdays rally from the sidelines i intentionally overlooked the 30 min chart. Had I followed the rules strictly this would have been another red day for me. Have you made money out of this strategy during the last fortnight? When the mkts were trending this strategy, like most strategies gave some returns to traders but now I think for this kind of mkt the strategy is redundant.
Consider this, even if you are playing with 1 lot of nifty and you SL is 5 points and it gets triggered, it tantamounts to a loss of Rs. 500 inclusive of the brokerage and taxes. In days like yesterday, when the mkt moves one sided u do not get any trade signal.
having seen many posts when this thread was initiated, I got very optimistic with the strategy but now i am pretty convinced that the mkt is supreme. Strategies like these would come and go, threads would become live and subsequently get discarded but the mkt will move on the way it feels. Just because a strategy works for a specific time frame (when mkt is behaving in a specific pattern, it does not ensure that it will work throughout the year.
The best part is that people like pride are actually taking the pains to develop something which will benefit us all. The effort is important along with the genuineness rest we all know depends on the mkt. Like Robert Browning had said:
For men may come and men may go but I(read the mkt) go on for ever.