Quadra Safe Trading Strategy - I

Tomorrow or latest by Wednesday....one must exit BNF & NF June and wait to Rollover into July Series....!!!

I have 3 doubts.
1) Why not on thursday as expiry is on that day?

2) Should buy July series immidiately or wait for any further triggers?

3) Any specific condition to fulfill for exit or any rate which seems high can be
used for exit?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 doubts.
1) Why not on thursday as expiry is on that day?

2) Should buy July series immidiately or wait for any further triggers?

3) Any specific condition to fulfill for exit or any rate which seems high can be
used for exit?
Reason for exiting June series by Tuesday or Wednesday...is because so that we get an opportunity to enter July lower than June exit...so that we are still sitting on some extra points...from this exercise....!!!

It is difficult to give exit points but one can look at exit around 5222.00-5232



Well-Known Member
Some of the Buy triggers Today(25-06-2012)

|STOCK SYMBOL | COMMENTS                                           |
| BIOCON      | Red Candle                                         |
| GIPCL       | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                         |
| GODFRYPHLP  | EMA50 inside,Green candle                          |
| IBPOW       | Red candle                                         |
| NETWORK18   | Green candle                                       |
| RENUKA      | Red candle                                         |
| SESAGOA     | Green candle                                       |
| THOMASCOOK  | Green candle                                       |
| TTKPRESTIG  | EMA50 inside,green candle                          |
| UNITY       | Green candle,goes below all the Mas                |



Well-Known Member
Some of the Buy triggers Today(26-06-2012)

| STOCK SYMBOL | COMMENTS                                                                     |
| BANKBARODA   | Green candle,EMA50 slightly tilting downwards                                |
| CASTROL      | EMA50 inside other MAs,Red candle,Wait for EMA50 to come out                 |
| CROMPGREAV   | Red candle                                                                   |
| FORTIS       | Red candle,EMA50 slightly tilting downwards                                  |
| GUJALKALI    | Green candle                                                                 |
| IL&FSENGG    | Green candle,goes below all the Mas,EMA50 downwards                          |
| MAHLIFE      | EMA50 inside,Long green candle,goes below all MAs,wait for retracement       |
| OIL          | Green candle,EMA50 downwards                                                 |
| PAPERPROD    | EMA50 inside other MAs,green candle,Wait for EMA50 to come out               |
| PETRONET     | Green candle,EMA50 slightly up                                               |
| PUNJLLOYD    | Red candle,EMA50 almost flat                                                 |
| SREINFRA     | Green candle,EMA50 slightly up                                               |


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