Quadra Safe Trading Strategy - I


Well-Known Member
Some of the Buy triggers Today(27-06-2012)

| STOCK SYMBOL | COMMENTS                                                                     |
| EDUCOMP      | Red candle                                                                   |
| EVERONN      | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| GAMMONIND    | Green candle,EMA50 flat                                                      |
| GMRINFRA     | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| GSPL         | Red candle                                                                   |
| HAVELLS      | Green candle                                                                 |
| HCC          | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| HONAUT       | Green candle                                                                 |
| INDHOTEL     | Red candle                                                                   |
| L&TFH        | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| PNB          | Green candle,EMA50 downwards                                                 |
| POLARIS      | Long green candle                                                            |
| SIEMENS      | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| TAJGVK       | Green candle,EMA50 downwards                                                 |
| TATACOMM     | EMA50 inside other MAs,red candle,wait for EMA50 to come out                 |
| TATAGLOBAL   | EMA50 inside other MAs,green candle wait for EMA50 to come out               |
| TNPL         | Green candle                                                                 |
| UNIPHOS      | Green candle                                                                 |


Well-Known Member
Dumb question maybe - but why is Quadra generating only "Buy" signals?

Is it because the general trend is upwards?

Or is the AFL not set to generate "Sell" signals?


Well-Known Member
For those holding Long entry in June series...instead of Rolling over to July by buying at a higher rate...since July is in premium....it is suggested to enter 5200 CE for a 2-3 days... and then find an opportune time to enter the July NF...!!!



Well-Known Member
Sell is also generated....but there is no point posting for equity...if NF & BNF is generated, that shall be posted... as it was done previously...!!!

In Quadra, the TSL is hit before SELL is triggered. So, there is no need for a SELL trigger in case of equities. But for F&O it is valid and as SG said such triggers will be posted whenever they are generated.



Well-Known Member
Some of the Buy triggers Today(28-06-2012)

| STOCK SYMBOL | COMMENTS                                                                     |
| 3MINDIA      | Red candle                                                                   |
| BHEL         | Red candle,EMA50 downwards                                                   |
| CANFINHOME   | Red candle                                                                   |
| CENTURYTEX   | Green candle                                                                 |
| CONCOR       | Green candle                                                                 |
| GAEL         | Red candle                                                                   |
| GUJNRECOKE   | Red candle, EMA50 downwards                                                  |
| INGERRAND    | Red candle                                                                   |
| INGVYSYABK   | Green candle,goes below all the MAs                                          |
| JISLJALEQS   | Green candle                                                                 |
| SEAMECLTD    | Green candle,EMA50 flat                                                      |
| SONASTEER    | Very long green candle, wait for retracement                                 |
| TATAPOWER    | Red candle                                                                   |
| TATASTEEL    | Green candle                                                                 |
| TV18BRDCST   | Red candle                                                                   |
| UFLEX        | Red candle                                                                   |
| ZYLOG        | Very long green candle, wait for retracement                                 |

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