Real Time Data Now / Nest Trader to Amibroker, Fcharts


Well-Known Member
Again, see sample xlsm file. Read Setup instructions. Read Amibroker Guide for ASCII import. Ami should know that you have added two more fields thru $Format statement in the format file. It is there
Yes sir doing that right now and also changing scrip names in column A.

Thank u josh sir


Well-Known Member
Josh Sir,
It's abt RTD 1.25 (&& V 1.30) BackFill Process:

The Backfill process 1st pulls CSV/.TXT data from NesTable/VWAPTable to BackFill folder in R drive and from there imports to Ami ------>

Sir is it possible to skip the final stage, i mean the CSV/.TXT file/s are pulled from data tables to folder in R drive and stays there and NO FURTHER ACTION, NO AUTO IMPORT to AMI. ? so that v can manually import thru ASCII to any DB v Choose.


Is it possible to Backfill to a DataBase we choose Path of (in Settings.ini file may b) irrespective of the Current or Default DataBase ?

Thank u Sir

P.S. : Yesterday during Backfill thru RTD1.25, AmiBroker suddenly exited (but cud see Broker.exe in Task manager) and YET, the BackFilling continued for the remaining 47 scrips without a hitch ,stored as CSV/TXT files in BackFill Folder in R Drive and later ofcourse i imported 'em to desired DB thru ASCII.

Hence a Hope that may b my above Requirements are DOABLE.

Thank u Josh sir.


Well-Known Member

It can be done. Remove rtd.format file from format folder Or

Remove following lines from source code

; import data from csv file into AB using rtd1 format, refresh chart and save database
With $oAB
.Import(0, $Filename, "rtd1.format")

Source is open. You will have to compile yourself


Well-Known Member

It can be done. Remove rtd.format file from format folder Or

Remove following lines from source code

; import data from csv file into AB using rtd1 format, refresh chart and save database
With $oAB
.Import(0, $Filename, "rtd1.format")

Source is open. You will have to compile yourself

BSNL BroadBand was down entire day

Thank u Josh sir,
Seems simple enough--will rename rtd1.format.

But presently am scratching head pulling hair why link to excel is not working today after net down and reconnected.
It was working like charm yestDay and 2Day too, Restrtd Excel ZTrader , nothing seems to work.

Thank u Josh Sir 4 all the Support, God Bless.

It can be done. Remove rtd.format file from format folder Or

Remove following lines from source code

; import data from csv file into AB using rtd1 format, refresh chart and save database
With $oAB
.Import(0, $Filename, "rtd1.format")

Source is open. You will have to compile yourself
dear sir , thanks for your hard work & sharing with others ... i'm watching your video and after i'm asking this ... any possible way to get real time data on one or two click ? bcz it's too much setting wanna do :confused: ..... please help me dear sir :) ...


Well-Known Member
i am getting this error in Rtdman "Atleast one scrip needed".It was working fine till yesterday.can anyone help me what is wrong now?Backfill is working but realtime data is not working!

edit: Got it to working again.Many Many Thanks to the makers of this wonderful software.
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Well-Known Member
Josh Sir,

Sir i am using RTgoogle from last 2 years, yesterday accidentally folder deleted, i lost google eod data downloader , to download fresh copy i searched your site, i can see but not able to download, please help
Your image shows some other site. You have to download from link given in my signature

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