Real Time Data Now / Nest Trader to Amibroker, Fcharts


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the continuous support!

my known issues and suggestion to version 1.26
1. Backfill window may require Start RTD, at least an icon to start(because have to select script in one gui and start in another it may hard to understand for newbies, and I always switch between scripts )
Will do by Monday.

2. RTD Not hiding automatically after clicking Do Backfill!
GUI_1 window hides. I separated it for that purpose. RTD is now a thin strip. It can be placed atop Amibroker's Titale bar.
If you want to hide that also, click on show and hide once.

3. for bell sound, I think wav file required but not found in exe.
Will do by Monday.

4. Hide icon may included in to hide RTD and RTDMan!
???? - Can you do that after I finish this? You know the logic better for that.

5. Index Radio button Faded out for Nest Trader!
Did not change anything there. Trying to figure out why.

The best I have found in this release is one minute cumulative candle, Never imagined before. simply wonderful!
Thanks a lot. It took one year to learn C++ and accomplish that. Tried many methods in vein. In the end, its logic turned out to be simple. :D
However, that is modification of RTDMan, not RTD. I compare volumes with Hourly Statistics of NOW every day. They match at day end for 25 out of 29 scrips in my watch. Rest, there is difference of 500-750 shares.
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Well-Known Member
1. Backfill window may require Start RTD, at least an icon to start(because have to select script in one gui and start in another it may hard to understand for newbies, and I always switch between scripts )
Will do by Monday.

2. RTD Not hiding automatically after clicking Do Backfill!
GUI_1 window hides. I separated it for that purpose. RTD is now a thin strip. It can be placed atop Amibroker's Titale bar.
If you want to hide that also, click on show and hide once.

3. for bell sound, I think wav file required but not found in exe.
Will do by Monday.

4. Hide icon may included in to hide RTD and RTDMan!
???? - Can you do that after I finish this? You know the logic better for that.

5. Index Radio button Faded out for Nest Trader!
Did not change anything there. Trying to figure out why.

Yes I will do it after you finish!:thumb:
All done except no.4 Revised exe (including source code) uploaded to Dropbox.
One addition is that, now we can add index scrips present in Index value bar from Nest into Settings.ini.

Now two things remain. No.4 above and updating Help file.
Shankar will do No.4.
Somebody please update help file.


Well-Known Member
All done except no.4 Revised exe (including source code) uploaded to Dropbox.
One addition is that, now we can add index scrips present in Index value bar from Nest into Settings.ini.

Now two things remain. No.4 above and updating Help file.
Shankar will do No.4.
Somebody please update help file.
I will check with help files next weekend. Most things are same just need few edits and new screenshots
This version is more refined then early 1.26

One thing i notice when you start RTD for it takes setting save from .ini which josh1 Nest setting
So new scripts are append in it
for eg not posting all 34 scripts codes just what it append
Which creates ghosting for that 30 scripts.
Problem is some broker set no 10-20-30-50 scripts. Nest throwing error maxing no scripts exceed
Nothing big issue can workout about i can see lot non technical people asking for help regarding that issue.

When RTD every time their is pop "select atleast one script dude..."

Again those two bug are not deal break can be work with it....

Scrip31=nse_cm|RELCAPITAL-EQ;RELCAPITAL;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip32=nse_cm|TATASTEEL-EQ;TATASTEEL;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip33=nse_fo|NIFTY15AUGFUT;NIFTY_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip34=mcx_fo|CRUDEOILM15AUGFUT;CRUDEOILM_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
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Well-Known Member
Now two things remain. No.4 above and updating Help file.
Shankar will do No.4.
Somebody please update help file.

1. done with the icon that is no4
2. Gui_1 changed to Backfill
3. Timeformat included for start RTD for index to work with RTDMan
4. Start RTD disable, changed to Stop RTD in Gui_1
5. Hide option, changed From title to console class in _Get_Text_from_VWAP_Statistics()


I will compile chm help file after finished by snake head


Well-Known Member[/url]

I will compile chm help file after finished by snake head
This requires lot of testing. If Stop RTD in GUI_1 was clicked, it was creating odd behaviour. Both Gui's stopped responding later to "Start RTD". That's why, if RTD started, I disabled it in GUI_1. I hope you have checked that.
Edit - This seems to have been done. There were couple of small bugs mentioned by snake.head also which I removed and uploaded revised RTD.au3 and exe.

However, RTDMan window remains hidden permanently. Please check that.
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Well-Known Member
I will check with help files next weekend. Most things are same just need few edits and new screenshots
This version is more refined then early 1.26

One thing i notice when you start RTD for it takes setting save from .ini which josh1 Nest setting
So new scripts are append in it
for eg not posting all 34 scripts codes just what it append
Which creates ghosting for that 30 scripts.
Problem is some broker set no 10-20-30-50 scripts. Nest throwing error maxing no scripts exceed
Nothing big issue can workout about i can see lot non technical people asking for help regarding that issue.

When RTD every time their is pop "select atleast one script dude..."

Again those two bug are not deal break can be work with it....

Scrip31=nse_cm|RELCAPITAL-EQ;RELCAPITAL;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip32=nse_cm|TATASTEEL-EQ;TATASTEEL;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip33=nse_fo|NIFTY15AUGFUT;NIFTY_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
Scrip34=mcx_fo|CRUDEOILM15AUGFUT;CRUDEOILM_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest
I will see the second bug when I get time. Edit - It is solved now.
First one can be worked around like this-
Say you have 30 scrips in settings.ini and you have given update but 15 to preserve there. Now if you select three scrips in Gui_1and click on 'Start RTD' or 'restart' as the case may be, then it will replace scrip16 scrip 17 and scrip18.
If you have not selected any scrip, then nothing will be appended.
One way is to open settings.ini and remove scrip19 to scrip30 manually.
Another way is to keep preserve "0" in settings and select all scrips in GUI-1. That will replace all the scrips in settings.ini. Gui_1 will tell you how many scrips have been updated. Suppose, you updated 22 scrips. Open setting again and enter 22 for preserve.
For those having Nest Trader and want to add indexes, click on index radio button. That will show you indexes. Select indexes and click on 'Start RTD' or 'Restart'. You will have indexes added from scrip23 onwards in setting.ini.
These manoeuvres should preferably be done after market hours until you get used to it.
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Well-Known Member
However, RTDMan window remains hidden permanently. Please check that.
RTDMan can be waked by using icon in tray,

initially I tried to merge with existing hide function after I made that as to hide only RTD in case.

Concept of the hide button is to hide only the RTD GUI in case!

if needed may change it to show and hide by caption change, but have to click show first (after RTDMan started) and hide, that already exist in the icon tray func, so made like that!

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