RMO code for Amibroker 4.9


Well-Known Member
There is extra space at last two letters of last line you have quoted - C o.
Delete this space so that it becomes Color (instead of C olor) or copy the corrected code.
Also note that the word is Color and not Colour in the AFL.

Pl. feel free to ask for any further clarification, if required.
Hi sudhir , i am looking for Amibroker. Can u plz tell me frm where i can buy this and how much it will cost to me.

thanks in advance
Hi Mr Sudhir Gupta,

Much appreciation for sharing the afl for RMO Intraday. A few questions to help me being a newbie to Amibroker.

1. When you said set to 5 min, "And here is Intraday Automatic Exploration (set time to 5 Min.) " are you referring to running it every min or it explores the 5 min charts.

2. Pardon my limited knowledge and being new to Amibroker, but I used your afl and compare it against another afl which I found and it seems that both gave different signals. Below is the other RMO.afl which I found. Both are explorations.

//Code Source: http://www.stockmeetingplace.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1455
//AFL Coding: Mubashar Virk, [email protected]


ST1 = 100 *
(Close - ((MA(C,2) +
MA(MA(C,2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2),2)) / 10)) /
(HHV(C,10) - LLV(C,10));

//Plot( ST1, "SwingTrade-1", 3, styleThick);
ST2= EMA( ST1,30);
Plot( ST2, "SwingTrade-2",colorRed, styleThick);
ST3= EMA( ST2,30);
Plot(ST3, "SwingTrade-3", 3, styleThick);

//System Section

Buy = Cross(ST2,ST3); //AND ST2 > 0; (you may or may not wish to include final argument in the line)
Sell = Cross(ST3,ST2); //AND EMA (ST1,81) < 0; (you may or may not wish to include final argument in the line)

//Eploration Section

//Bullish Trend
BT= EMA( ST1,81) > 0;

Brt=EMA( ST1,81) <0;

T_status= WriteIf(BT, "Bulllish", WriteIf(Brt, "Bearish", "Neutral"));

// Set the background color for Impulse Status Column
T_Col=IIf(BT, colorGreen, IIf(Brt, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

Filter = Buy OR Sell;
AddColumn (Buy, "Buy", 1);
AddColumn (Sell, "Sell", 1);
AddColumn (C, "Close", 1.2);
AddColumn (V, "Volume", 1);
AddTextColumn(T_Status, "Trend Status", 1, colorWhite, T_Col);

3. I am using Esignal Data Manager with 500 symbols and made all the adjustments at the Amibroker's Database settings(Configure button and input 500 symbols) and I also allowed my maximum counters in the Amibroker's portfolio settings to 500 counters instead of the deault 4 but my exploration and scan seem to report only the first set of data which starts with 5xx(which is the first and start of all my symbols in alphabetical order). FYI, using the other afl to explore also yield only the first 5xx set of symbols but the results are different.

The rest of the symbols seem to be ignored even though I could see the scanning of all the symbols taking place and I have also set the scan to be on my watchlist in I have included at least 300 symbols.

Sorry for the many questions and pardon my lack of knowledge. Thanks in advance.
I just did a few other explorations on the watchlist and it seems that they are able to list most of the counters ranging a good mix with some from 5XX and also from A to Z counters.

Funny why I can only pick up signals using RMO only on the 5XX symbols and not the rest from A to Z counters.

Please help. Thanks in advance.
1.set to 5 min. means a five minute chart and exploration>backtester setting>general>perodicity >5min. You can run exploration itself every 1 min.

2. I've had little time to test the 'other' AFL. You can use whichever you like more.

3.Amibroker is problemtic for RT data explorations with eSignal-as backfilling speed is not in tune with explorations. I have used it with 120 symbols, that too after backfilling all of them before 9.55, but still during the day about 30% symbols are not updated even with 256 bps connection.Repeated 'force backfilling' corrupts data of many symbols.

I have written the code just to demystify the ad campaign of equis. RMO is prone to whiplashes in sideways markets - being just a bloated MA crossover system.

I will suggest, though unsolicited, that Ami is 'kidstuff', you should try Tradestation or Neuroshell DT 5.0 (with more than 800 indicators) or NeoTicker. Its a different world altogether. A whole new set of technical tools and systems await you for competing with sharks. http://www.traderji.com/risk-money-management/5234-daytrading-dangerous-12.html#post86806

And eSignal works flawlessly in GlobalServer for Radar Screen (and AdGet for TS) where one can assign a new formula/indicator to each column and row.
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Thanks for your prompt reply. So that means its ok if I set the 30 minute chart and exploration>backtester setting>general>perodicity > 30 min if I want to scan for the 30 min buy signals?

Yes, I read and understood . OK, time to delete the comments ;)

I agree that Esignal is really horrible at times in handling non US data. I've to wait at least 3-5 min for my daily chart's last bar to appear. Not only does it apply to Amibroker but also to Aget 9.1 RT and Tradestation.

I am in the midst of having a trial demo of Neoticker. Its pretty "deep" with a steep learning curve. For market internals, I must say NT is truly built for that purpose.

"And eSignal works flawlessly in GlobalServer for Radar Screen (and AdGet for TS) where one can assign a new formula/indicator to each column and row."
Are you referring to TS Prosuite 2000i? I think it should be because I have yet to see Radar Screen for TS8.1 as I am using Owndata which does not support Radarscreen, that being said, is also my wish to utilize Radarscreen for my trading.
Yes, you are right about 30 min buy signals. But with lot of backtesting on single stock futures of NSE , i found the system works best with 5 min charts.

eSignal is Ok with GlobalServer plug-in for Omega charts update even for systems based on tick data-like 72 tick MOM system. It clearly brings out difference between a time base bar and tick base bar.

Its Omega Prosuite 2000i - the standalone version for european markets.
Instead of RMO try Kwikpop system. Far ahead of RMO.

Nice to have your aquaintance,

with best wishes.
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Hi sudhir,

Thank you for your input on the bloated RMO... yeah, it has too much marketing publicity to its usefulness for trading... Could you elaborate on why you said that Amibroker is kidstuff when compared to Tradestation, Neoticker??? Is it because of specific indicators, systems, etc?? TQ for your reply!
Hi sudhir,

Thank you for your input on the bloated RMO... yeah, it has too much marketing publicity to its usefulness for trading... Could you elaborate on why you said that Amibroker is kidstuff when compared to Tradestation, Neoticker??? Is it because of specific indicators, systems, etc?? TQ for your reply!
A whole world of diifference. Spend 16 hrs daily for few weekends to find yourself. You won't regret it.

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