RMO code for Amibroker 4.9

Hi Mr Sudhir Gupta,

I could now clearly see now what you meant. Today is my first day using AB as my sidekick. Simply a nitemare trying to make the explorations keep in tune. I have to force feed nearly 100 symbols. In the morning, the 15 min and 5 min exploration work.

By noon they were out of action. Only the 30 min and above work, pretty weird though because I could clearly open up the 15 n 5 min charts and there were clearly sufficient bars, but the RMO indicator and exploration would just not function on the 5 and 15 min charts.

More updates later when I am done with my work.


New Member
Hi Mr Sudhir Gupta,

I could now clearly see now what you meant. Today is my first day using AB as my sidekick. Simply a nitemare trying ...., but the RMO indicator and exploration would just not function on the 5 and 15 min charts.

I think that's not AB problem.
Each time frame gave different action and for some stocks swing trade#2,#3 not show up. You will learn these same stocks also will not work on Metastock. It gave you error message.

Pl. copy and paste :

SwingTrd1 = 100 * (Close - ((MA(C,2)+
MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2) +
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2),2), 2),2)+
MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(MA(C,2),2),2),2),2),2), 2),2),2),2))
RMO= EMA(SwingTrd1,81);
Ribbon_kol=IIf(Bull_Trend,colorGreen, IIf(Bear_Trend,colorRed, colorBlack));
Plot(4, "ribbon", Ribbon_kol, styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5,100);
Impulse_UP= EMA(SwingTrd1,30) > 0;
Impulse_Down= EMA(SwingTrd1,81) < 0;
bar_kol=IIf(impulse_UP, colorBlue, IIf(impulse_Down, colorRed,IIf(Bull_Trend, colorRed, colorBlue)));
Plot(Close,"Close",bar_kol,styleBar | styleThick );
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorBlue, colorRed ),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );
Wow..........your RMO indicator is simply superb Mr Sudhir Gupta. Can you please write "Kwikpop" for Amibroker along with trading rules ???
Waiting for the master to respond.
Hello I am having a problem with RMO EXPLORATIONS - INTRADAY. I can get the first formula to work, but not this one. I do not get an error -- when I select it, it just shows up as blank. I am using QT as a data feed. Does anyone know how to fix this?
hello Sudhir,

Thank you for the afl. I am a newbie with ami 4.8. The afl works fine with me and i went through the iris training also as u suggested.

I need your help to make me use it more efficiently . I can see all the blue and red arrows. But as per rule we need to determine the prmary trend we need to know if RMO is below or above zero line.

I saw in that presentation that one very clearly. But with ami afl i get only the RMO thing and i couldn't see Exit Signal indicator, Swing Trade 2 and 3 for confirmation.

And regd the explorations i worked with 5mins and am attaching the same. kindly help me to rectify this and know this better.

Thank you once again



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