Sharekhan's Trade Tiger 2 Feedback Thread


Active Member
I have heard that the performance of TT increase dramatically when used with .NET4

just give it a try

Hi Guys,

We are continuously reading all the TradeTiger related threads. We are sorry for the inconvenieance happend in the last release. We are upgrading the software to .Net FrameWork 4.0. We are expecting to release the next version on or before June 6.
We will ensure that to provide best product in the future.

Our Sincere thanks to columbus for giving feedback on the same for more than 2 years.
Hi Guys,

We are continuously reading all the TradeTiger related threads. We are sorry for the inconvenieance happend in the last release. We are upgrading the software to .Net FrameWork 4.0. We are expecting to release the next version on or before June 6.
We will ensure that to provide best product in the future.

Our Sincere thanks to columbus for giving feedback on the same for more than 2 years.
Hello Srivi_trade,
So can we assume that you're part of the TT development effort in some way? Glad to know that there is someone out there listening to and incorporating all this valuable feedback. It is also encouraging to learn that Sharekhan is concerned about the quality of its platform. Special thanks to "Columbus" too for sending in all the issues.

Since you are monitoring this, would like to take this opportunity to raise the biggest problem that I've been facing with TT2, on a Windows 7 64-bit architecture: Platform overheats after a bout 15 minutes of usage during LIVE market hours - when live data is streaming. I've tracked the temperature and it spikes the Intel I7s up beyond 105C often causing an auto shutdown.

Thanks again!
The Starving Trader
In TradeTiger they have FEEL IT SAY feature where you can send your queries along with screen shot. You will receive a call from ShareKhan immediately. I have benefited most of the time.
If you want to use feel it say it before login then you mention your customer id/email id in the message.

TradeTiger 2.0 rock in terms of richness.


Well-Known Member
We will look into give better platform for Indian market traders. We will look into all the issues raised in this forum.
I have deleted TradeTiger-2 from my computer long back,as I found it
Hi Guys,

We are continuously reading all the TradeTiger related threads. We are sorry for the inconvenieance happend in the last release. We are upgrading the software to .Net FrameWork 4.0. We are expecting to release the next version on or before June 6.
We will ensure that to provide best product in the future.

Our Sincere thanks to columbus for giving feedback on the same for more than 2 years.
I am glad that you'll are thinking of updating the software. Please try to add some standard indicators to the software. Currently TT has very few indicators. Required ones will be Will%R, acc/dist, etc.

Also a way to open multiple market depth windows for various securities will be very helpful.

My other concern is in the bottom left side of the screen where you have the Sharekhan research panel next to the message board, some of the links don't open properly and redirect me to 'open a new account' page. Where as some display very old data. Please ensure that we get the latest research data and recommendations that are up to date in the new version.

On a separate note, I was trying to download Derivative kit from your site and I always get some old outdated file which is a week old. Is this file updated on a daily basis? If yes, how can I download the latest version everyday?
