Sharekhan's Trade Tiger 2 Feedback Thread


Well-Known Member
Apparently, sharekhan provides "Diet" Odin for a charge. The Starving Trader is thinking about this ... anyone have any idea about this platform? Is it web based or desktop app, for starters?

The Starving Trader
ODIN diet is a desktop software. surprised that you aren't aware of it.

wrt charting in Diet ODIN - for someone coming from TT charing, you'd be disappointed. Charting feature is something the FT guys [ODIN creators] pay least preference to.

here's a screenshot.....


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ODIN diet is a desktop software. surprised that you aren't aware of it.

wrt charting in Diet ODIN - for someone coming from TT charing, you'd be disappointed. Charting feature is something the FT guys [ODIN creators] pay least preference to.

here's a screenshot.....


Uploaded with[/IMG]
Thanks comm! Very helpful!! Being new to the Indian markets, The Starving Trader is still to get familiar with a variety of platforms. He has formerly used Tradestation and a couple other softwares to trade the US markets only. So, still getting to know trading platforms in India :)

The screenshot above actually looks pretty good! How are the charts in TT preferable? Is it because there is 1 month more data available in intra-day TT2.0 charts? Does Odin provide historic data (60 minute time frame)? How about the ability to change timeframes? (120 minute, 240 minute, etc)


Well-Known Member
Thanks comm! Very helpful!! Being new to the Indian markets, The Starving Trader is still to get familiar with a variety of platforms. He has formerly used Tradestation and a couple other softwares to trade the US markets only. So, still getting to know trading platforms in India :)

The screenshot above actually looks pretty good! How are the charts in TT preferable? Is it because there is 1 month more data available in intra-day TT2.0 charts? Does Odin provide historic data (60 minute time frame)? How about the ability to change timeframes? (120 minute, 240 minute, etc)
TT is much better than ODIN charts for the following reasons :

a) ODIN charts don't always work. no backfill option.
b) no historical intraday data. sometimes, chart starts from the time you login and not from market open time [resolvable technical issue]
d) sometimes, the chart timings say for a 15 min chart changes to a 17/18 min chart: meaning you'd expect 15m candle to close at 6:14:59pm, but it begins at 6:18:59 and this messes up the entire candle and chart authenticity.
c) you cannot have more than 4 charts open in ODIN [max. limit]
d) there is ablility to change time frame to 120 min and 240 mins..but remember, no historical intraday data.
e) no EOD analysis can be done in ODIN.
f) don't even bother to call up customer service with problems related to ODIN charts, coz customer service/techn people are there only to resolve connectivity issues and aren't educated on the "charting" thing.

however, some good points:
i)if you are a pure price action [intraday] trader: you don't need anything other than ODIN
ii)you can place buy sell right on the chart screen at the price you see.

lemme know if you have any further queries.


Well-Known Member
There are 3 types of people.

1.Who corrects himself ,without telling.
2.Who corrects himself after telling.
3.Who does not correct even after telling.

I think team of TT.2 of Sharekhan fits into 3rd category.
yes you are right,
Both tradetiger 1 and 2 Take all the resources of your pc ,the tt hangs four to five times during a trading day.
when you save a layout in tt2 if you refresh a graph or apply another time frame at many times it will provide wrong data
when high volume trading is taking place in exchanges the data will hang or lag .
Their is no live news feature in tt.
When you apply study to multiple charts,it becomes impossible to aplly study to all of the charts ,for example chart number second will never accept a moving average or any other study.
The number of availabe indicators is very less.Apart from volume bars their is no second volume indicators.
The availabe time frames lack 4hour ,10 day ,3day,and monthly[60m,30m,] time frames.
If you are cut off from internet their is no autoreconnect have to retype your password and username each time.
No favorite user cant save your favorite study parameters to apply on a chart.

Rest is all ok with TT

The brokerage at share khan is very high .I have to pay .075 for intraday on both sides.
Aport from customer support of local franchise i found every part of sharekhan erratic.
TT is much better than ODIN charts for the following reasons :

a) ODIN charts don't always work. no backfill option.
b) no historical intraday data. sometimes, chart starts from the time you login and not from market open time [resolvable technical issue]
d) sometimes, the chart timings say for a 15 min chart changes to a 17/18 min chart: meaning you'd expect 15m candle to close at 6:14:59pm, but it begins at 6:18:59 and this messes up the entire candle and chart authenticity.
c) you cannot have more than 4 charts open in ODIN [max. limit]
d) there is ablility to change time frame to 120 min and 240 mins..but remember, no historical intraday data.
e) no EOD analysis can be done in ODIN.
f) don't even bother to call up customer service with problems related to ODIN charts, coz customer service/techn people are there only to resolve connectivity issues and aren't educated on the "charting" thing.

however, some good points:
i)if you are a pure price action [intraday] trader: you don't need anything other than ODIN
ii)you can place buy sell right on the chart screen at the price you see.

lemme know if you have any further queries.
Wow, this is very, very, very helpful!! Thanks so much comm! I guess Odin's out, then. I'm looking to launch a major trading project inspired by a book i read recently (will post more about it), so i guess I'll have to use TT for now. If the project's going well then i might fork out an arm and a leg for Metastock or something... let's see how things go!

The Starving Trader

P.S. Got a Poll going on about which technical tools are popularly used in people's trading plans... do vote!