Shares Accounting Software for Tax and Portfolio Management

Hi Group,

Hope you guys are able to get the product installed. I am looking forward to your feedback. The objective as set out in the initial post is to make something while is usable and suits the needs of the community..

Let me know your feedback.

Hi thanks
and nice to know that someone is really into that.
What you have explained seems good.
But can this also take care of futures and options and intra-day cash segment trans.. directly converting from contract notes?? so that a complete record can be maintanined and profit to be calculated.
Let me know when you can put this for download.
I hope you 've seen the post.. The release notes can be found on this thread which has all the information you will need to install the product. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi rusk
Great to know u are deeloping this software.It would be nice if u could post whwtever u have developed so far so that members in this forum can test it and contribute positively to the development of the s/w
Best luck
I hope you 've seen the post.. The release notes can be found on this thread which has all the information you will need to install the product. Let me know if you have any questions.
what brokers are supported.
will it automatically record trades or we have to manually put it.??
The product supports all brokers.. The way that will work is you will be able to upload transactions directly using excel files provided by brokers instead of entering the data manually.

This will save a lot of overheads of defining scriptcodes for Market and then for each broker.

At the moment, it can import data formatted as ICICIDirect and Sharekhan files. If you wish to add for your specific file structure, I could write something for you. But the end idea is that you will be able to define a file structure that you wish to import.

Hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
Heres a Preview
Dear rusk,
Am downloaded all things.but unable to open the s/w.Can you please give step by step procedures for using the s/ of now i installed apche -tomcot and placed .war file in folder webapps.But how can use the portfolio database file? also unable to open the s/ guide me.......
Dear rusk,
Am downloaded all things.but unable to open the s/w.Can you please give step by step procedures for using the s/ of now i installed apche -tomcot and placed .war file in folder webapps.But how can use the portfolio database file? also unable to open the s/ guide me.......
Its good to hear that you have installed Tomcat 5.5 and placed the .war file in the correct (webapps) folder.

There is just one more step to go: Create DSN (if you have not already done so)

To create a DSN, you need to follow the steps explained in the release notes.

Once the DSN is created, you can open the application using any browser. The URL for the application is http://localhost:8080/Portfolio.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Its good to hear that you have installed Tomcat 5.5 and placed the .war file in the correct (webapps) folder.

There is just one more step to go: Create DSN (if you have not already done so)

To create a DSN, you need to follow the steps explained in the release notes.

Once the DSN is created, you can open the application using any browser. The URL for the application is http://localhost:8080/Portfolio.

Hope this helps.
Unable to connect

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* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

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now what to do??

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