Shares Accounting Software for Tax and Portfolio Management

I am trying to use your utility and have installed Apache Tomcat and service is running. However when I try to check it using http://localhost:8080/ I am getting "Invalid Request". Would appreciate if you could help me in sorting out this issue or direct me where I can find the solution.
I have tried both Firefox & Internet Explorer. Both are giving the same results.
Thanks for your effort and time.
I am trying to use your utility and have installed Apache Tomcat and service is running. However when I try to check it using http://localhost:8080/ I am getting "Invalid Request". Would appreciate if you could help me in sorting out this issue or direct me where I can find the solution.
I have tried both Firefox & Internet Explorer. Both are giving the same results.
Thanks for your effort and time.
1. Try using the application URL : http://localhost:8080/Portfolio/

2. Please ensure that you are using the same port number that was configured in Tomcat. By default Tomcat will listen on 8080, however if during the installation you have changed it, then you need to use that port number.

Please could you also advise if you have done any changes during the Tomcat Setup ? By any chance do you have an IIS running on the same machine ?

Where is codesetup table. Cant setup broker code, account holder, etc.
Codesetup table is in the portfolio.mdb file, which is the database of the application. At the moment, due to limited time, I have not release a UI for managing this table, but you could simply open the table by opening the Access database file and editing the contents of the Codesetup table. Please see the example below that explains how to use and setup values in this table.

The Codes defined for each CodeSet are the values you will see in the Upload Data Tab on the application. To explain this theory, here's an example.

Lets say you would like to manage Portfolios of
1. Mr. Sam Petro
2. Mrs. Sumi Perto
3. Mr. Charles Drum
4. Mrs. Lynn Drum

These 4 individuals deal with the following brokers:
1. Sharekhan
2. ICICIDirect
3. 5Paisa
4. Motilal
5. Reliance
6. Raligare

It is possible that Mr. Sam only deals with Sharekhan whereas Mrs. Sumi deals with all 6 of them, while Mrs. Lynn only works with Reliance and Raligare.

In any case, you should configure all the 4 AccountOwners and the 6 brokers that they are dealing with in the Codesetup as follows :

CodeSet Code Description Sort Order
AccountOwner SAMPETRO Mr. Sam Petro 1
AccountOwner SUMIPETRO Mrs. Sumi Perto 2
AccountOwner Charles Drum Mr. Charles Drum 3
AccountOwner Lynn Drum Mrs. Lynn Drum 4

Similarly, configure the Brokers in the following manner:

CodeSet Code Description Sort Order
BrokerCode Sharekhan Sharekhan 1
BrokerCode 5Paisa 5Paisa 3
BrokerCode Motilal Motilal 4
BrokerCode Reliance Reliance 5
BrokerCode Raligare Raligare 6

Once you have setup these values in the CodeSetup table you will see them in the Upload Data page.

Hope this helps. I will be releasing the UI for managing this table, but at the moment I am working on higher priority items.



Active Member
Looks like something is not setup corretcly. Here's the checklist to be verified:

Hi Rusk
Thank you very much for the guidance I am able to open portfolio but unable to upload Sample Data.xls file :confused: I am getting
Error 404 Servlet fileUploadServlet is not available
Pls advice
Hi Rusk
Thank you very much for the guidance I am able to open portfolio but unable to upload Sample Data.xls file :confused: I am getting
Error 404 Servlet fileUploadServlet is not available
Pls advice
Interesting, I wasn't expecting that problem to ever occur. Looks like we need to redeploy the application in the webserver. Heres how you do it:

1. Open the webapps folder.
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps

2. Delete the folder named Portfolio and the Portfolio.war file from the webapps folder.

3. Download a copy of Portfolio.war again from the product source files (

4. Paste the downloaded Portfolio.war in the Webapps folder.

5. Restart Tomcat Service (Right click Tomcat on the tray icon - Select STOP first. Once the service is stopped Start it again, using the same menu option from the system tray)

6. Try uploading the file again using the following URL http://localhost:8080/Portfolio/

By any chance are you using Google Chrome browser? If so, could you try uploading the file using Internet Explorer?



Active Member
Hi Rusk
Still getting the same error
I am using IE 8
I do not get Tomcat icon in system try,so I stopped and started the service from Services option in Control panel.Why I not getting icon in sytem try ?
Pls advice
Hi Rusk
Still getting the same error
I am using IE 8
I do not get Tomcat icon in system try,so I stopped and started the service from Services option in Control panel.Why I not getting icon in sytem try ?
Pls advice
Sorry to hear that you are still facing problems. Are you able to see the other pages of the product (e.g. Stock Position, Monthly Summary etc). Presumably you have installed the Windows MSI version of Tomcat.. I have installed it several times and I see an icon in the system tray.

I need to understand your problem in a bit more detail, so if you could explain how you installed each component and where you sourced it from, I would atleast get clue of where the problem is and then hopefully we can fix it.


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