Some Good Steals...

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Well-Known Member
rahulg77 said:
Hi All,

how is everyone? all threads seem empty. Amitda u there.


Hi Rahul...yeah, I'm here...was busy with chores here at home all weekend.
I've not been posting a lot on this thread and I'm aware there are several queries unanswered still and a few from you too.
Will come to all that in due course Rahul...a lot of energy is going tracking the markets at this time.
See you again soon.
All the best.
HI Amit,

Pls take your time. even I am no hurry as I am not trading at all in this market as I do not have any experience of such a market. many times I feel like shorting some script to buy again in the evening and in the evening i see oh if I had done it I would have made so much :) but again I restrain as I do not have the experience and in such a market, u never know which trade goes in which direction.

I am right now just invested in some scripts like J.P associates, Sail, IVRCL, Fedder LLyod and am waiting patiently for markets to recover and I think these scripts are quite strong so in the long run will not loose.

Rest the scripts I had bought based on my TA I have exited as they had hit my S/L and now I will not trade till the market stabilizes a bit.


rahulg77 said:
HI Amit,

Pls take your time. even I am no hurry as I am not trading at all in this market as I do not have any experience of such a market. many times I feel like shorting some script to buy again in the evening and in the evening i see oh if I had done it I would have made so much :) but again I restrain as I do not have the experience and in such a market, u never know which trade goes in which direction.

I am right now just invested in some scripts like J.P associates, Sail, IVRCL, Fedder LLyod and am waiting patiently for markets to recover and I think these scripts are quite strong so in the long run will not loose.

Rest the scripts I had bought based on my TA I have exited as they had hit my S/L and now I will not trade till the market stabilizes a bit.


Hi Rahul,

Nice decision rahul, really nice to hear that standing aside. You are right exactly when we dont know how market was going to behave or dont know how the scrip will move its really better to be aside.

Even I m following the same direction that you are following.



Well-Known Member
rajesh.sadhanala said:
Hi Rahul,

Nice decision rahul, really nice to hear that standing aside. You are right exactly when we dont know how market was going to behave or dont know how the scrip will move its really better to be aside.

Even I m following the same direction that you are following.

this gentleman also standing aside as of now...nice decision

hai, i praise everyone who stood aside and did not trade today. being a firm believer of GOD, why make money at another person's loss. ?. those i power ( brokers) who play the sentiments may have earned a lot of money by going naked short, but at what expense. the money they made were certainely from small investors, who were taken for a big ride by these corporate brokers. even a small investor was made to play in F&O and now have lost huge huge sums of money. for a small investor even 10000 is a huge sum. so i blame the brokers for having mislead the investors. will the money they earned, give them peace. everyone remembers harshad metah.but did any mourn his death?. was the wealth able to save him?. i am sure small investors curse would have killed him. sorry for my philosophical post. but i thought that i had to post what i thought.
Hi Amit,

Wanted to understand how u would look at the charts now. Reason why i am saying this is cause since the markets were so volatile most of the charts I am seeing seem to show a trading range or some pattern like ascending triangle, penant or some other formation. Now a break above would mean +ve but then market being so volatile if the market falls it will take the stock too with it.

Also if u see the charts of Sail-the tops are nearly same from 22/05/06 and the bottom is rising so this would make a rising triangle. But if u take it from one tick before( i.e 19/05/06) then the same area forms a sym. triangle. Now which would be more appropriate to draw.

Sorry I cannot attach the charts as do not have my own software yet.

One more query is most of the times we see prices bouncing and taking support with trend lines like todays nifty was kept down by the trend line. Is there a logic behind why prices use trend line as support or resistance or cause we have seen the prices using it as support and resistance so often that we take it on the face of it that it acts as suport and resistance.

will wait for your reply.


ravi1967 said:
hai, i praise everyone who stood aside and did not trade today. being a firm believer of GOD, why make money at another person's loss. ?. those i power ( brokers) who play the sentiments may have earned a lot of money by going naked short, but at what expense. the money they made were certainely from small investors, who were taken for a big ride by these corporate brokers. even a small investor was made to play in F&O and now have lost huge huge sums of money. for a small investor even 10000 is a huge sum. so i blame the brokers for having mislead the investors. will the money they earned, give them peace. everyone remembers harshad metah.but did any mourn his death?. was the wealth able to save him?. i am sure small investors curse would have killed him. sorry for my philosophical post. but i thought that i had to post what i thought.

Why shorting is to be taken as making money on another person's loss? What is so unethical about it and what distinguishes it from long trades? If small investors are not able to make money in the markets, why they are here? And were not traders as well as investors loosing money even in this mad & raging Italian bull run when they were not able to execute trades properly? So what is changing in the scenario now? Trading has always been & will be a zero sum game. Even when small investors were making money, sombody was loosing money in the market.

As traders when ever we make money, remember somebody has lost. So should the trading be banned or will you quit it as it's unethical to make money at others' cost?

Best Regards,
rahulg77 said:
Hi Amit,

Wanted to understand how u would look at the charts now. Reason why i am saying this is cause since the markets were so volatile most of the charts I am seeing seem to show a trading range or some pattern like ascending triangle, penant or some other formation. Now a break above would mean +ve but then market being so volatile if the market falls it will take the stock too with it.

Also if u see the charts of Sail-the tops are nearly same from 22/05/06 and the bottom is rising so this would make a rising triangle. But if u take it from one tick before( i.e 19/05/06) then the same area forms a sym. triangle. Now which would be more appropriate to draw.

Sorry I cannot attach the charts as do not have my own software yet.

One more query is most of the times we see prices bouncing and taking support with trend lines like todays nifty was kept down by the trend line. Is there a logic behind why prices use trend line as support or resistance or cause we have seen the prices using it as support and resistance so often that we take it on the face of it that it acts as suport and resistance.

will wait for your reply.


Hi Rahul,

I noticed many a times you speak my mind. These questions are lingering in my mind since so many days. But I cant put them so nicely the way you put. Hence your postings on the threads are always a watch for me. Keep going. Also I am feeling unrest about Amith's silence in this thread. He said he will be back shortly, I am eagerly waiting for him probably more than others!!!.

With regard to attaching charts: Why dont you use ( introduced by VV). Its very good and almost all indicaters are available. You can right click on the chart and save as ".png" file. I you wish to draw anything on the chart, just open it thru paint brush, edit and save.

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