Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
You may have read my post at Nifty50 Trends. Someone was talking about how the DIJA and Nifty move in the same direction (paraphrasing). Simply put, as of this writing the DIJA is 4.8% of the way from the all-time high to the all-time low, and Nifty is currently at 47.2%. I see no resemblance in those numbers, which is why I do not subscribe to those theories.
Hi Paul, this is not a question of them being independent markets. The INDL ETF is setup so as to produce 3X Nifty returns on a daily basis. Why it does not happen regularly, I do not know, but if the intention is to mimic Nifty, and if their algorithm is good, I would expect its charts to be sharper than Nifty's charts. The variation will be that since it is traded in US markets, its hourly charts will never match Nifty which is traded on a different schedule. Only daily charts should be comparable. Anyway, without the data, it is hard to validate. I was hoping that since you had DJIA, you might have INDL, but I realize DJIA is a major index. All right ...


Well-Known Member
The most popular ones are FAS and FAZ, average daily range is 5%, biggest move in a single day is 30%. :D
Transaction charges are very high so best entry is via options. :p :D
Transaction Charges being high? Explain, would you not pay the usual 4-20 USD commission you pay on a regular trade?

I prefer INDL/INDZ because I have the Nifty data, and INDL should co-relate to Nifty. Maybe not all the time, but if you can identify the pivot points correctly, it can give significant returns without needing more charts. And since everyone talks about Nifty, my analysis is reconfirmed and this can become lower-risk [ Yeah I am still dependent on analysis from others, but while I had 3 pure-charts based trades in 2011, I have already crossed that number in 2012, so things are not so bad. ]
Yes, I could not find INDL. Just about anything outside of and MT4 chart is out of my comfort zone, with the exception of the data that I use on that is sent to me that I use to make charts. But that is only ued to construct my S&R's for markets I don't have charts for .

Hi Paul, this is not a question of them being independent markets. The INDL ETF is setup so as to produce 3X Nifty returns on a daily basis. Why it does not happen regularly, I do not know, but if the intention is to mimic Nifty, and if their algorithm is good, I would expect its charts to be sharper than Nifty's charts. The variation will be that since it is traded in US markets, its hourly charts will never match Nifty which is traded on a different schedule. Only daily charts should be comparable. Anyway, without the data, it is hard to validate. I was hoping that since you had DJIA, you might have INDL, but I realize DJIA is a major index. All right ...
LTT, yes. Without a doubt. The bottom of the monthly cloud at .8167 has been on the radar for quite awhile.
I also mentioned in the 2012 forecast to even watch for a spike to the YS1 at .8111. At this point, I'm saying that contains, and we head north the rest of the year.


Is the Eur/Gbp heading to the bottom of the Monthly cloud at .8167 ?

Sorry, saw this post of yours after I wrote -
Re: Eur/usd

Raj, I mentioned somewhere (I use the latter term loosely, because I can't remember where I published it.) this was one of the easiest weeks I ever had in doing the Weekly Forecast. It was like the charts were in 3D, and yelling in my ear, "This is the way it is going to be!"
As a result, this week has been a good beginning of the year for me.

Trade taken out with a loss.. wat a beginning for a new year :annoyed:

Re: Eur/usd

One of the things being in commissioned sales for 20 years taught me is that there are going to be ups and downs. There are weeks it seems everybody hates your product. There are other times it seems they flock to buy it.
Trading is like commissioned sales. I'm sure Raj is doing well in his trading, but 2012 is off to a rocky start. I'm sure he will be making a comeback in style.

haha don't worry raj bhai next time you will make it large everything was pretty much bearish on eur/usd there was no reason to go long :p ! I got a 200 point move on djia that almost killed me :p
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