
Impatient Trader
good going brother with great consistancy.But in my opinion as you are doing profits... you should use your entire money as compounding helps in earning faster as said by warren buffet.and insted of keeping profits aside,strict money managenent is what you should concentrate on.and I am saying this to you bcoz we have seen that your system is working so it will help to earn faster.again this is my personal opinion and one more thing that i am not an experianced person.. so you might be right though......
Best Of Luck to you...


Yes that is in my MIND that COMPOUNDING helps in earning faster. But here is what I have PLANNED is

1. First I will withdraw the amount EQUAL to my CAPITAL(i.e. 50k). Till that time I would learn some more thing by going more days with my system.May be at the end of this MONTH I would able to do that ... I mean 50K would have done and withdrawn.

2. Then after I withdrawn these 50K I am totally risk free with my capital and then I have a PLAN to withdraw weekly 50 % of PROFITs made. This I will do till my account GROWs to 1LAKH ...Then there I will PLAN further.. Lets see how the things goes.

Thanks SOURABH for your SUGGESTIONs.




Well-Known Member
Sach, Do you post your trade levels intime so that others can trade it too.
I wish to trade the same trades as you by following your Posts.

I was trading as per Posts of NF levels by rh6996, but he is stopping to post becoz of preoccupation with his trades....

Would it be possible for you?
Request any body to never post there trades live. Do not do it even on request. Always remember: People who not can take decisions on there own will try to profit from you and if it not works, you are the as/////e. The other part are people from institutions which just want to take the opposite on your side or want to profit by not doing any thing as usual. So do not post any live trades here. Your choice, your time, your knowledge, your believes and finally your money you spent in to that business and give it away to people you do not know.

Good luck / DanPickUp


Active Member
Request everybody to post there trades live. Please Do it even without request. Always remember: People who cannot take decisions on there own will try to profit from you , so be it ! Should not matter if it does not affect your own 'result. And yes, if it does not works you are to be blamed, a small price to pay to help others. Its only blame and not prosecution.

So please !!! post all live trades here. Your choice, your time, your knowledge, your believes and finally your money you spent in to that business that is giving you good returns , why not give away just a little time to people you do not even know and show benevolence.

Good luck ! May God help you and may God help you help others !

-Phool Chand Jain, Nagore, Rajasthan


Well-Known Member

People who can afford to open a trading account and earn enough money to do what ever they do, they also can spend money to learn trading. So if they now earn money from an other business, but do not know how to make money in this business, just kick them out or let them give there money to you. No mercy with that ****ers as they do the same to there customers in there business. NO MERCY.


Active Member
Benevolence as an evolutionary force
Nancy Sherer​

Jane Goodall observed chimps sharing meat. When a male chimp had meat, she reported, he had the option of sharing meat with other members of the group. Estrus females were very likely to receive a portion. Other males were also given meat. The male who had the meat had the option of sharing it with more dominant males. Anthropology has embraced a theory of dominance hierarchy based on aggressiveness, alliances, and physical competition. They don't consider a different possibility: that having meat and being willing to share it might make a chimp (at least temporarily) dominant.

One of the most generally accepted fictions in science and philosophy is that human benevolence has some existence of its own separate from our genetic inheritance. Goodness, generosity, and altruism might actually be our most important genetic traits. Like a tiger's teeth or a bird's wings, Homo sapiens' generosity and nurturing behaviors are part of our biology. Our brain formulates good just as much as a flower formulates nectar.

"If right and wrong are nothing more than the instinctive firing of neurons, why bother being good?" The most obvious answer to that question is: we don't have the choice. Depending on which culture you look at, behaving in a 'not-good' manner is defined as deviant, sick, evil, crazy, or possession by a supernatural force. For some reason, our neo-cortex evolved with a strong sense of benevolence. To behave otherwise is pathological.

It is easy to find examples of human goodness. A large part of our vocabulary is devoted to expressing the subtle differences of good behavior. Words such as benevolence, heroism, patriotism, and cooperation are emotionally loaded words that define what we value most. Protecting the weak, feeding the poor, worshipping the hero who devotes himself to truth and justice, are everyday values that people throughout time have agreed on. But more than that - our species' benevolence is so automatic and unreasoning that we display it towards other species as well as our own. When firefighters rush into a burning building to save a dog we don't laugh at their self-sacrificing behavior. We are touched by their courage. We like to think that we would do the same.

I was a keen observer of this thread.. sometimes even without logging in to the system.. I was eager to appreciate you many times during this month, but I reserved it for month end to see how you end...

From the bottom of my heart, GREAT JOB Bro.. its not easy to trade with profits consistently..

All the best for December.. As you did in Nov, keep your post real time.. so that rookies like me too can benefit..

All the best once again!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I don't understand why some ppl are asking to post trades live..!!!! IMO that is the most lamest thing one can ask for. if you cant even put effort to learn something and trade, then y are you still in the market. this is rubbish. and teaching the lesson of benevolence, that's the most funny part. In the market, people prey on others. we profit from others' losses. its just looking funny that some are openly asking to post trades live. come on guys.. you cant be serious.. lol

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