Tell how u lost ur money.


Well-Known Member
the one way i have always lost the money is by being emotional. never get emotianally envolved with the stock.....for eg. that this share is should go bullish in some particular time.....this stock is bullish for so should go bearish after some time.....always analyse all the aspects of the market before trading.....

tha way i lost was based on up-stock price constantly up---global market constantly uo- volumes up---still i tried selling the stock

and boooommmm
there goes alll my profit....

never get emotional or choose share on destiny....use facts and figures of present time then invest


Well-Known Member
Well said,I could not come out of this mentality.Can you help me to come out of this mindset.

the mentality is right...but you should only use this mentallity when you invest for long for a month or intraday this strategy is wrong....


Well-Known Member
Not only this , Never trade on calls given by so called Stock Analysts,

Never look for calls....

Put in sometime, learning technicals may take u few weeks/ or months....
But at the end of day U will learn how market moves, loss will be miniumum and max profits....

Once again beware of Mushroom growth of stock analysts..... like it was before Jan08...

It is said Anybody who lost in market finally becomes Stock Analysts....
bye tc