Thanks for the guiledline, linuxstroll. Must admit that you are living up to the linux spirit of sharing knowledge.
I didn't understand MACD 5,25,5- I presume this is against the conventional MACD averages? Just confirming.
Thanks again for clear cut guideline. There is a doubt however. People insist on 60,30 min chart for exiting swing trades. Going by your guideline,( enter in 5min chart using 1h chart direction; exit using 1h chart) for swing trades you are suggesting (1h chart to trade upto 6-12 days), here it would imply 1hour for both entry and exit? Or maybe 30min for entering and 1hour for exiting.
This of course if one takes swing trading to be within this timeframe.
Traderji, thanks for the guideline. In a nutshell, in daily template, the short term guppy MA would indicate short term and long term MA would indicate intermediate. In the weekly, short term MA would be intermediate and long term MA, long term. Is this right. I am presuming that whatever I had written in my previous post is right since you have not contradicted it. Thanks.